新目标七年级(上)Unit 12练习

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   1. After class, I have gymnastics ____ two hours.
   A. on B. at C. for D. in
   2. ——____ do you like music?
   ——____ it is relaxing.
   A. Why, Because B. How, Because
   C. What, Because D. What, /
   3. We have math ____ Friday. It’s difficult ____ interesting.
   A. on; or B. on; but C. in; or D. in; and
   4. What’s ____ favorite movie?
   A. he B. she C. he’s D. Gina’s
   5. ——Who is your ____?
   ——Mr White.
   A. a science teacher B. science teacher
   C. science’s teacher D. sciences teachers
   6. ——____ do you like biology?
   ——Because it’s fun.
   A. What B. When C. Why D. How much
   7. I think math is ____.
   A. real difficult B. really difficult C. real busy D. really tired
   8. ——____?
   ——It’s Monday.
   A. What day is it today B. What’s the time
   C. What’s the date today D. Is it Monday today
   9. ——What ____ does he like best?
   A. food B. subject C. color D. sport
  10. Why does Lucy ____ music?
   A. like B. likes C. favorite D. has
  My name is Peter. I’m eleven years __1__. I have __2__ classes in the morning. __3__ are English, math, history and P.E. I have English __4__ 8:00. It’s the first class. __5__ English, I have math. And __6__ I have history. The __7__ class is P.E. It’s my favorite. All my classes __8__ at 12:00. Then I __9__ lunch. In the afternoon I usually __10__ to a movie.
   1. A. small B. short C. new D. old
   2. A. three B. five C. four D. no
   3. A. They B. You C. We D. These
   4. A. in B. at C. for D. around
   5. A. Before B. At C. After D. Under
   6. A. because B. then C. so D. really
   7. A. first B. third C. fourth D. fifth
   8. A. have B. leave C. finish D. start
   9. A. eat B. has C. like D. open
  10. A. want B. have C. listen D. go
   1. What lesson do they have at 1:45 on Wednesday? ____.
   A. Physics B. Chinese C. History D. Math
   2. Do they have lessons at 10:30 on Thursday? ____.
   A. Yes, they have
   B. No, they don’t
   C. We can’t know from the timetable
   D. None of the above
   3. On Friday, a physics lesson begins at ____.
   A. 9:10 B. 10:30 C. 1:45 D. 3:00
   4. How many lessons do they have in a week? ____.
   A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13
   5. How many kinds of lessons do they have in a week? ____.
   A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
  Dear friend,
  How are you? Thanks for your last letter.
  I like English and math, too. I think they’re interesting and useful. Our school is over at 3:40 every day and I can get home at 4 o’clock, but I don’t get home at once(立即).
  On Monday, at 4:30 I have a violin lesson for an hour. I like sports, and I’m in the school basketball team. So on Tuesday we play basketball at school with my P.E. teacher. On Wednesday I go shopping with my parents. We buy a lot of food and fruits, and I like that very much. On Thursday after school, I often watch TV at home. I like Sport World very much. And I usually play computer games with my friends on Friday.
  On Saturdays we don’t have classes. I often sing in an art school. I like singing and I can sing very well now. I usually go outing(郊游) or have a rest at home on Sunday. I’m very busy every day, but I’m very happy because we have lots of fun in my life.
  Alice’s Timetable
   1. My favorite s____ is science.
   2. The second day of a week is M____.
   3. Mr Anderson teaches us English and he is our English t____.
   4. I’m so t____ because I go to bed late.
   5. Shanghai is the biggest(最大的) c____ in our country.
   busy, why, who, science, because
   1. ——____ do you like art?
   ——Because it’s funny.
   2. ——____ is your biology teacher?
   ——My biology teacher is Mr Wang.
   3. ——Why do you like P.E.?
   ——____ it’s very exciting and interesting.
   4. I have much homework. I’m really ____.
   5. My ____ teacher is Mr Green.
   1. 音乐是我最喜欢的学科。
   Music is my ____ ____.
   2. 这个故事真的有趣。
   This story is ____ ____.
   3. 我非常的疲劳,我想休息一会儿。
   I’m _____ ____. I want to have a rest.
   4. 我经常晚饭后看电视。
   I often watch TV ____ ____.
   5. 我妈妈对我要求严格。
   My mother ____ ____ ____ ____.
  Ⅶ. 下列各句A、B、C、D四处,有一处是错的,请找出并改正。(10分)
   1. Our friend likes to eat eggs, bananas and chickens.
  AB C D
   2. I like hamburgers, tomatoes and French fries in lunch.
   3. Zhao Jie not like any subjects.
  AB C D
   4. John and I are good friend.
  A B CD
   5. What’s your favorite sport best?
   AB CD
  Ⅷ.按要求改写下列句子, 每空一词。 (10分)
   1. John likes art because it’s fun. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ John ____ art?
   2. Scott works very long hours. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
   ——____ ____ ____ very long hours?
   ——Yes, he ____.
   3. Their science teacher is Mr Green. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ their science teacher?
   4. My favorite subject is English. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ ____ favorite subject?
   5. Karen and Tina eat breakfast at six thirty. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ ____ Karen and Tina eat breakfast?
  Ⅸ.补全对话, 每空一词。(10分)
  A: Hi, Qian Lin. You look happy today. Why? __1__?
  B: Yes. You’re right. My favorite day is today—Friday.
  A: __2__?
  B: Because we have P.E. on Friday. It’s my favorite subject.
  A: __3__?
  B: Because it’s interesting and relaxing.
  A: __4__?
  B: Mr Zhang is my P.E. teacher.
  A: __5__?
  B: We can play games, run, play basketball, football, ping-pong and do all kinds of sports. So we are very happy.
在当今的新课程理念下,打破传统教学方式,充分发挥新课程理念的核心作用,大胆对情景教学进行创新性尝试,一直是我们教师所追求的。笔者以初中英语教学为例谈谈情景教学的改进策略。  1.创设让学生感兴趣的情景  兴趣和信心是学好英语的两个必要条件。在新课改要求下,新的英语课堂中,教师应在教学的设计和安排上更加注意教法新颖、有创意,若教师能抓住学生的兴趣所在,让学生变去学为想学,那么就会更好地调动和发挥学生
笔者有幸参加了全县英语优质课的评选活动。参评老师们独具匠心的设计,围绕语言学习的本质特征开展形式多样的教学活动给我们留下了深刻的印象,也让我们深刻领悟了“创设语境、 激发兴趣、高效教学”的新课程理念。语境是语言赖以生存和发展的环境,也是语言交际所依赖的环境,离开语境,语言的学习将成为无源之水,无本之木。同时恰当的语境又能激发学生学习的兴趣,点燃他们实践探究的热情。通过激发兴趣引导学生在实践运用中学
长期以来,我国初中英语教学目标的确立过于注重知识目标,忽视对学生情感态度的培养,导致学生学习动力不足,直接影响着学生的学习成效。《普通初中英语课程标准(实验)》(以下简称《课标》)首次把情感态度列为英语课程目标之一,提出在英语教学过程中不仅要重视学生的语言知识和技能发展,而且要培养学生的积极情感和正确态度,发展他们学习中的兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等。  一、情感目标的内涵  加拿大语言学家
摘要:《高中英语新课程标准》是指导我国高中英语教学的唯一依据,然而,面对基础条件参差不齐的众多中学以及成绩与能力高低不一的亿万学生,《标准》不可能完全符合每个学校的实际,这就要求在具体实施过程中,不同学校应根据自身的实际情况采取相应的策略。复合分层教学是根据《标准》的要求,结合县市非重点中学的实际进行高中英语教学的有效途径。  关键词:高中英语 分层教学 探索 实践    经调查发现,粤西许多县市
摘要:以习得无助理论为依据分析了英语偏科生“破罐破摔”现象发生的原因,初步探讨了怎样激发初中英语偏科生学习的动力。  关键词:习得无助 破罐破摔 英语偏科生 学习动力 学习兴趣    一、习得无助的案例分析  在2010届初三毕业生中,我班有位男生总成绩中等,但英语才考33分。进入初中前,他的英语学习就已碰到困难;初一、初二的英语老师也尝试过帮助他提高英语,可是没有成功;升入初三后,作为他的英语老
Hello, boys and girls! 我是“do”,你们见了我之后觉得有点面熟,但不是太了解我吧?下面我就进行一下自我介绍:   一、作为助动词时:   1. 构成一般疑问句。例如:   Do you play basketball every day? 你每天都打篮球吗?  2. 我还可以和not兄弟一起帮忙构成否定句。例如:  I do not think so. 我不这么认为。   
1. in English 用英语  原文再现:What’s this in English? 这用英语怎么说?  例句巩固:He can sing the song in English. 他能用英语唱这首歌。  2. in the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里  原文再现:Is that your computer game in the lost and found
Abstract: “Bill’s Little Girl” is a prose. The paper analyses its stylistic features of language in the aspects of rhetorical. While analysis, we can further appreciate its plain and simple language,
谈论一天的生活起居,学习等常需涉及时间,怎样表达时间呢?请看下文:  链接一:询问时间的句型  What’s the time, please?/What time is it, please?  链接二:时间表达法  英语中时间的读法有顺读法和逆读法两种,读时都用基数词。  ★整点时间  整点时间可用“钟点数+o’clock”表示,o’clock可省略。如:6:00→six (o’clock) 
摘要:中国文学在儒家倡导的中庸哲学熏染下,注重情感表现的委婉与节制,向往温婉柔情和温柔敦厚的含蓄有致。西方文学则崇尚刚性之美,倡导英雄主义与悲剧精神,在作品中充溢着率性的铺张、浪漫的激情和深沉博大的气势。本文通过几个文本分析,比较了中西文学作品里情感表达的差异性,并简要阐述了这种差异性的文化根源。  关键词:含蓄; 奔放; 情感表达; 文化根源     一、引言    我们这个民族,是一个含蓄内敛