
来源 :中国酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dianquan999
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敕勒川,阴山下,天似穹庐、笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。”这首妇孺皆知、脍炙人口出自南北朝时代的“敕勒川”民歌一直传唱至今。始建于1950年的呼和浩特市制酒厂就坐落在阴山脚下,敕勒川平原,悠久的历史、风光秀丽的大草原、源远流长的酒文化,使塞外古城增添无尽的魅力。阴山山脉、大青山断层的优质矿泉水,使占尽天时、地利、人和的呼和浩特市制酒厂,伴随着经济改革大潮的脚步,取得了辉煌的业绩。尤其是近三年来,经济效益以翻番的速度得以超常发展,累计创利税1.6亿元,1997年人均利税创全区同行业之首,成为呼和浩特市地区的利税大户,是全市15家重点保护企业之一。“内抓管理,外拓市场、质量第一、效益为本”是企业的经营宗旨。经过坚持不懈地努力,现已形成白酒和黄酒两大系列、30多个品种的产品格局。“昭君黄酒”为呼市和自治区的老牌名品,同时在1990年获全国优质保健品金鹤杯奖,1991年获全国优质保健品奖,1994年又获全国黄酒优质产品奖。“昭君酒”行销长城内外、东南沿海,并出口日本、蒙古、俄罗斯等地。正如我国著名书法家李铎所提“昭君美酒,天下 Muller River, under the Yinshan Mountains, the sky is like a dragonfly, covering the four wild. The sky is dark and wild, and the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep. “This is a famous woman who knows all the people, and the folk song “Yeolechuan” from the age of the Southern and Northern Dynasties has been sung until now. The Hohhot Winery, which was founded in 1950, is located at the foot of the Yin Mountain, the Jinglechuan Plain, and has a long history and beautiful scenery. The prairie, a long-established wine culture, adds to the endless charm of the ancient city of Sai Yang.The high-quality mineral water in Yinshan Mountain and Daqing Mountain breaks makes the distillery of Hohhot, a city that enjoys the best of times, geographical location, and harmony, accompanied by the tide of economic reforms. In the past three years, the economic benefits have been developed at an extraordinary rate, and the accumulated profits and taxes reached 160 million yuan. In 1997, the per capita profit and tax hit the top of the industry in the region, and became the major tax revenue in Hohhot. It is one of the 15 key protected enterprises in the city. “In-house management, external market expansion, quality first, and efficiency-based” are the business objectives of the company. After unremitting efforts, we have formed two series of liquor and rice wine. The product pattern of more than 30 varieties, “Zhaojun Yellow Wine” is a famous brand of Hohhot and the Autonomous Region, and in the same year, it won the National Golden Health Cup Award for Quality Health Products in 1991, 1991. The National Quality Health Product Award was awarded the National Yellow Rice Quality Product Award in 1994. “Zhaojun Wine” is sold both inside and outside the Great Wall, along the southeast coast, and exported to Japan, Mongolia, Russia, etc. Just as the famous Chinese calligrapher Li Wei mentioned Zhao Zhao Wine, The world
随着社会主义市场经济体制逐步确立,防止企 业商业秘密泄露,保护企业的合法权益不受侵犯, 已成为企业生存与发展的一个关键问题。如何加强 企业商业秘密的保护,使企业间的竞
摘 要:刑事和解具有正义与效率的双重价值,检察机关在刑事和解的作用较为特殊,不仅能够统一司法结果的运用,也能够体现监督的职能。检察机关可以通过设立专门的和解机构,确立和解检察官等制度来规范检调对接工作。  关键词:刑事和解 检调对接 和解检察官  所谓刑事和解制度,是指在犯罪后,经由调停人的帮助,使加害者和被害者直接相谈、协商,解决纠纷或冲突的一种刑事司法制度。其目的是修复因犯罪人的犯罪行为而破