Selective decrease in colonic CD56~+ T and CD161~+ T cells in the inflamed mucosa of patients with u

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lj200610819
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AIM: To investigate the role of local colonic mucosal NK receptor-positive T (NKR+ T) cells in the regulation of intestinal inflammation, we analyzed the population and function of these cells in ulcerative colitis (UC). METHODS: Colonic mucosal tissues were obtained from colonoscopic biopsies of the descending colon from 96 patients with UC (51 endoscopically uninfl amed, 45 inflamed) and 18 normal controls. Endoscopic appearance and histologic score at the biopsied site were determined by Matts’ classification. A single cell suspension was prepared from each biopsy by collagenase digestion. Two NKR+ T cell subsets, CD56+ (CD56+CD3+) T cells and CD161+ (CD161+CD3+) T cells, were detected by flow cytometric analysis. Intracellular cytokine analysis for anti-in? ammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) was performed by in vitro stimulation with phorbol-myristate- acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. RESULTS: CD56+ T cells and CD161+ T cells are present in the normal human colon and account for 6.7% and 21.3% of all mononuclear cells, respectively. The populations of both CD56+ T cells and CD161+ T cells were decreased significantly in the inflamed mucosa of UC. In contrast, the frequency of conventional T cells (CD56-CD3+ cells and CD161-CD3+ cells) was similar among the patient and control groups. The populations of NKR+ T cells were correlated inversely with the severity of infl ammation, which was classif ied according to the endoscopic and histologic Matts’ criteria. Interestingly, approximately 4% of mucosal NKR+ T cells expressing IL-10 were detected by in vitro stimulation with PMA and ionomycin.CONCLUSION: Selective reduction in the population of colonic mucosal NKR+T cells may contribute to the development of intestinal inflammation in UC. AIM: To investigate the role of local colonic mucosal NK receptor-positive T (NKR + T) cells in the regulation of intestinal inflammation, we analyzed the population and function of these cells in ulcerative colitis (UC). METHODS: Colonic mucosal tissues were selected from colonoscopic biopsies of the descending colon from 96 patients with UC (51 endoscopically uninfl amed, 45 inflamed) and 18 normal controls. Endoscopic appearance and histologic score at the biopsied site were determined by Matts’ classification. A single cell suspension was prepared from each Two NKR + T cell subsets, CD56 + (CD56 + CD3 +) T cells and CD161 + (CD161 + CD3 +) T cells, were detected by flow cytometric analysis. Intracellular cytokine analysis for anti-in? ammatory cytokine interleukin-10 ( IL-10) was performed by in vitro stimulation with phorbol-myristate-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. RESULTS: CD56 + T cells and CD161 + T cells are present in the normal human colon and account fo The populations of both CD56 + T cells and CD161 + T cells were decreased significantly in the inflamed mucosa of UC. In contrast, the frequency of conventional T cells (CD56-CD3 + cells and CD161 The populations of NKR + T cells were correlated inversely with the severity of infl ammation, which was classif ied according to the endoscopic and histologic Matts’ criteria. Interestingly, approximately 4% of mucosal NKR + T cells expressing IL-10 were detected by in vitro stimulation with PMA and ionomycin. CONCLUSION: Selective reduction in the population of colonic mucosal NKR + T cells may contribute to the development of intestinal inflammation in UC.
他与雷锋共同工作、生活了近四年。作为工友时,曾同住过一间宿舍;一起入伍后进了同一个班,曾开同一辆车。  因为生前最亲密的战友牺牲,退伍后的他要求调离熟悉的环境,背负着压力的他开始过“隐居”生活,对外不再提及与雷锋的关系。  电影《离开雷锋的日子》的公映,让作为主人公原型的他重新回到真实的生活。  衣着简朴,言谈随和,目光慈祥而真诚。乔安山胸前佩戴着一枚雷锋像章,一如往常。  采访这位曾经与雷锋朝夕
这是一个令人振奋的日子,这是一个期盼已久的日子,这是一个中国人民扬眉吐气的日子,这是一个和平的日子……  记得还是我刚刚手术后的日子,在医院里接到了来自祖国的令人振奋的邀请。电话里那个代表祖国的声音是那样的和蔼可亲:“中国政府将邀请您和鲍思岱先生来北京参加9月3日举办的阅兵式,不知您们两位的身体是否能够经得住乘坐飞机的长途旅行?”尽管我的身体当时虚弱至极,但我仍然答道:“我们将尽一切努力进行体力上