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我省藏族母语作家德本加生活在藏区基层,任教二十多年来笔耕不辍。他的创作一直稳定,近年来发表了一批有影响力的作品。2012年,中央民族大学专门为德本加举行了作品研讨会,据说这是国内第一次母语作家专场文学研讨会。而他的作品更多地为人所知,还离不开万玛才旦等作家对他母语作品的汉译,母语文学的汉译是他的作品日益受到学界重视的一个重要原因。他一贯以讽刺、幽默的笔调来揭示主人公的生存境遇,揭示时代转型与人们内心的种种体验,讽刺幽默之余是淡淡的忧伤。虽然作家惯用现实主义笔调,但常有荒诞意识和黑色幽默 Debenghang, a native Tibetan writer in our province, lived at the grassroots level in Tibetan areas and taught for more than 20 years. His writing has been stable, published a number of influential works in recent years. In 2012, the Central University for Nationalities held a work seminar specially for Derwenta, which is said to be the first literary seminar for native-speakers in China. His works are more known, but also inseparable from the Chinese translation of his native works, such as Wan Ma Caidan. The Chinese translation of native literature is an important reason why his works are increasingly valued by academic circles. He has always been satirical and humorous to reveal the protagonist’s living conditions, to reveal the transformation of the times and people’s inner experiences, satirical humor aside is a touch of sadness. Although the author’s habitual realism style, but often absurd consciousness and black humor
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哈佛大学的杜维明教授有一本不厚的论文集,名字叫《儒家思想新论——创造性转换的自我》(Con-fucianThought:SelfhoodAsCreativeTransformation)。大陆的中译本,易名为《儒家思想新论》。说“新论”,并不错,因为无论是经典的中国哲学家,还是后来的中国思想史家,似乎都没有想到要把自我,selfhood,ego,作为思考的出发点。  儒家学说说到底,不过是成圣成贤
The “Peace Mission 2010” anti-terror military drill taking place in Almaty,Kazakhstan and Matybulak lasted from Sep.9 to 25,2010.This is the 7th joint drill