
来源 :实用肿瘤学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freecase
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本组40例胃癌患者均在我院住院,且均经B超、X线检查,检查间隔时间不超过一周,且均经胃镜或手术病理证实。B超及X线双对比造影检查前均需禁食水12小时,超声检查时首先常规扫查腹腔诸脏器及大血管旁,然后饮温开水500ml左右,观察癌肿的大小、形态结构、浸润范围及浸润深度,随时摄片;X线检查时首先服适量产气粉,然后服钡剂,观察癌肿的大小,类型等等。 40例胃癌病人的B超、X线双对比造影的检查结果与病理对照符合率不同。对病变范围、病变类型的判定X线明显优于B超,这主要是由于B超的观察切面所限,较大的癌肿在一个超声切面上很难完全显示,这就影响了病变范围及病变类型的判定。在观察胃癌的浸润深度、周围器官是否受侵、腹腔淋巴结有否转移方面B超优于X线.这主要是由于超声波分辨软组织的能力高于X线,B超可以根据胃壁层次结构的破坏、直接判定浸润深度;根据周围器官的轮廓及血管旁是否有肿大淋巴结直接判定周围组织器官的情况。B超、X线联合诊断胃癌可互补相互之不足,提高诊断率。 All 40 cases of gastric cancer in this group were hospitalized in our hospital and were all examined by B-ultrasonography and X-ray. The interval between examinations was not more than one week, and they were confirmed by gastroscopy or surgical pathology. B-ultrasonography and X-ray double-contrast angiography require fasting for 12 hours before examination. When performing ultrasound examination, routinely scan the peritoneal viscera and large vessels, then drink about 500ml of warm water to observe the size and morphology of the cancer. Infiltration range and depth of infiltration, at any time radiography; X-ray examination of the first dose of appropriate production of gas powder, and then take tinea agent to observe the size of cancer, type and so on. The coincidence rate between the examination results of B-ultrasonography and X-ray double contrast angiography and pathology in 40 patients with gastric cancer were different. The X-ray of the lesion area and lesion type is obviously better than that of B-ultrasonography. This is mainly due to the limitation of observation plane of B-ultrasonography. It is difficult to completely display the larger cancer on an ultrasound section, which affects the scope of the lesion and Determine the type of lesion. Observing the depth of invasion of gastric cancer, whether the surrounding organs are invaded, and whether there are metastases in the abdominal lymph nodes, B-ultrasound is better than X-ray. This is mainly because the ability of ultrasound to distinguish soft tissues is higher than that of X-rays. B-ultrasound can be based on the destruction of the stomach wall hierarchy structure. Directly determine the depth of invasion; according to the contour of the surrounding organs and whether there are enlarged lymph nodes next to the vessels, determine the condition of the surrounding tissues and organs directly. B-ultrasound and X-ray combined diagnosis of gastric cancer can complement each other’s deficiencies and improve the diagnostic rate.
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目的:应用动态CT对肝癌作前瞻性血液动力学研究,探讨其术前预测肝癌经肝动脉碘化油栓塞化疗效果的临床价值。 资料和方法:应用单次“bolus”CT动态增强扫描,对43例肝癌作肿瘤