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2、对厥阴病提纲的认识 326条:“厥阴之为病……”历来大多数注家均认为是厥阴病的提纲,因为它是用具体的证候来说明厥阴病的证候性质属于寒热错杂,虚实互见。从《伤寒论》六经提纲来看,所谓提纲,是概括主要的证候、病机和证候性质的。提纲不可能无所不包地把本经所有的症状均排列出来。如太阳病的提纲是第1条:“太阳之为病,脉浮,头项强痛而恶寒。”是以表证表脉来明确其证候性质。185条:“阳明之为病,胃家实是也。”则仅仅从病机、证候性质加以提示,阳明之为病是里热实证,既不写症状,也不写脉象,也不提燥热便秘,在后面才陆续分条加以叙述和说明。甚简略概括则较厥阴病提纲更甚,不能否认185条为阳明病的提纲,更不 2. Understanding of the yin disease outline 326: “The disease of yin yin...” Most of the dynasty households have always regarded it as an outline of yin yin disease because it uses the specific syndromes to explain the yin disease syndrome. The nature of the waiting time is cold and hot and mixed, and the actual situation is mutual. From the perspective of the Six Scriptures of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, the so-called outline is a summary of the main syndromes, pathogenesis and syndrome nature. It is impossible to outline all the symptoms of the disease in a comprehensive way. For example, the outline of a solar disease is Article 1: “The sun is a disease, the pulse is floating, the first item is a strong pain and chills.” This is based on the confirmation of the characteristics of the syndrome. Article 185: “Yangming is a disease, but the stomach is also a family.” Only from the pathogenesis and the nature of the syndrome can it be suggested that Yangming’s illness is an evidence of heat, neither writing nor writing. Not to mention hot and dry constipation, it was only later that the articles were described and explained. Quite a brief summary is even more serious than the outline of yin disease. It cannot be denied that 185 is an outline of Yangming disease, but even more
一本杂志应该与他的读者一样个性洋溢。 在信息量急剧膨胀的今天,当关于一件事情方方面面的信息蜂拥而来,想要获得清晰的认识是一个艰巨的过程。虽然我们所处的商业世界已是
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由野菊花(Chrysanthemum indicum L.)分离得一新内酯化合物C_(15)H_(18)O_4暂名为野菊花内酯(yejuhua lactone),本文证明系属洋甘菊薁烃(chamazulene)的母核。部分梏构式为(