
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dk0623
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9月18日~24日,省委组织部、省委老干部局、省委党校共同举办了全省老干部党支部书记读书班。藉此机会,山西老年杂志社邀请部分老干部党支部书记,就新形势下如何进一步加强老干部思想政治工作,举行了座谈。这些老同志在基层工作多年,积累了丰富的经验,形成了一套工作方法。他们结合工作实践和自己的亲身感受,摆问题,想办法,提建议。座谈会气氛热烈,老同志们畅所欲言,他们的所说所想,对于加强老干部党支部建设,做好老干部思想政治工作有着积极意义和借鉴作用。 赫永生(怀仁县离退休干部党支部书记):今天,山西老年杂志社就如何加强老干部思想政治工作,召开部分老干部党支部书记座谈会,我认为很好。现在,我们正处于国际风云多变、国内重大转折时期。面对苏联解体东欧骤变和国内改革中出现的一些问题,少数离退休干部不能正确对待,理想信念发生动摇,转而寻求别的精神寄 September 18 to 24, the Provincial Organization Department, the Provincial Veteran Bureau, Provincial Party School jointly organized the province’s veteran Party branch secretary reading class. Taking this opportunity, the Shanxi Seniority Magazine invited some Party branch secretaries of veteran cadres to hold informal discussions on how to further strengthen the ideological and political work of veteran cadres in the new situation. These old comrades have worked for many years at the grassroots level and have accumulated rich experience and formed a set of working methods. They combine work practices and their own personal feelings, put questions, think of ways, make suggestions. The atmosphere of the symposium was warm and the old comrades spoke freely. What they said and thought is of positive significance and reference for strengthening the party branch construction of veteran cadres and doing a good job in ideological and political work for veteran cadres. He Yongsheng (Secretary of the Party Branch of Retired Cadres of Huairen County): Today, the Shanxi Old Age Magazine holds a symposium on how to strengthen the ideological and political work of veteran cadres and hold party branch secretarieships for some veteran cadres. I think it is very good. Now, we are in a time of great changes in the international situation and a major domestic transition. In the face of the sudden emergence of the soviet union in Eastern Europe and some problems that have emerged in the domestic reform, a small number of retired cadres can not handle it properly. Their ideals and beliefs have shaken, and instead seek other spirits.
社区党建工作目前面临的新情况、新变化 目前个体私营企业、民营企业、股份公司制企业等新经济组织得到很大的发展,但在这些新经济组织中党建工作基础相对薄弱,党员人数少、