
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongguoqwer
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一、现状(一)概况。特区建立以前几乎是一片空白的深圳纺织服装工业,随着特区的建立和发展,亦从无到有,从小到大,得到迅速发展。据统计,现在全市(包括宝安县)有纺织服装企业600多家,其中纺织企业240多家,服装企业近400家。纺织企业主要经营棉、毛、麻、丝、化纤为原料的纺织、印染、针织、巾被、线带、袜以及纺机器材和辅料配件等;服装企业大多搞来料加工,自营产品和来样加工比例不大,自营产品主要是不受配额限制的丝绸服装。特区内403家纺织服装企业中,三资企业占62%,国营企业6.7%,集体企业20%,内联企业7%,其他4.3%。全行业现有职工约6万人,其中纺织企业约2.3万人,占38%;服装企业约3.7万人,占62%。现在纺织服装企业遍布于我市各系统以及区县乡镇各地,成为全市规模较大、创汇最多的外向型行业。近年来,受国内外各种因素的影响,我市纺织服装行业生产经营遇到很大困难,但全行业员工在市政府的领导下,认真 I. Status (I) Overview. Since the establishment of the special zone, the textile and garment industry in Shenzhen was almost blank. With the establishment and development of the special zone, it has also grown rapidly from small to large. According to statistics, the entire city (including Bao’an County) has more than 600 textile and garment enterprises, including more than 240 textile enterprises and nearly 400 garment enterprises. Textile enterprises mainly deal in cotton, wool, hemp, silk and chemical fiber as raw materials for textiles, printing and dyeing, knitting, quilts, belts, socks, and textile machinery equipment and accessories accessories; garment companies mostly engage in processing, self-produced products and The proportion of sample processing is not large, self-employed products are mainly silk garments that are not subject to quota restrictions. Among the 403 textile and garment enterprises in the SAR, the foreign-funded enterprises accounted for 62%, the state-owned enterprises 6.7%, the collective enterprises 20%, the in-line enterprises 7%, and the other 4.3%. There are about 60,000 employees in the industry, including about 23,000 in textile companies, accounting for 38%; and about 37,000 in garment companies, accounting for 62%. Nowadays, textile and apparel companies are located throughout the city’s various systems and districts, counties, and townships, and have become the city’s larger-scale, foreign-oriented industries with the largest foreign exchange earnings. In recent years, due to various factors at home and abroad, the production and operation of the textile and garment industry in our city have encountered great difficulties, but the employees of the entire industry have been seriously under the leadership of the municipal government.
在新的一年到来之际,记者到国家国防教育办公室采访,办公室负责人就2004年全民国防教育工作的一些重点问题,回答了记者的提问。 新年度国防教育工作总的要求 问:请您谈谈2004
政策干预是政府运用权力来促进和加速出口产业结构优化发展的重要手段。政策优化分析告诫人们:政策的最佳干预应遵循以下两条“特效法则”(Specificity rule),即(1)必须确保
<正> 据参加1990年全国秋季电子产品展销订货会提供的预测信息表明,1991年我国电子产品市场形势将好于今年,销售进一步回升;元旦、春节市场活跃;下半年市场好于上半年;市场回