Zhang wins China’s first UFC title 格斗公主张伟丽:中国首位UFC冠军

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  Patriotic Zhang Weili won her historic fighting championship in Shenzhen on August 31, 2019. The 30-year-old fighter from Hebei Province produced a huge upset to knock out Brazilian Jessica Andrade and became China’s first UFC world champion.
  Zhang entered the strawweight bout as a big underdog to Andrade, who is tied with the most UFC wins(11) by a woman. However, after a flurry of devastating knee kicks and punches(重拳), Andrade was floored in the 42nd second of the first round and the challenger was declared winner by TKO. “Last year in Beijing I vowed(发誓) to become the first Chinese champion, and I did it!” said Zhang. “As a Chinese, I feel so proud. Today, I want to dedicate this victory to my motherland,” she added.
  UFC boss Dana White declared Zhang “the most vicious woman on the planet right now” and revealed he is already planning the new champion’s next fight in the United States. Zhang appealed to White to smooth out some logistical concerns she has about a US fight. “Please make sure all my corners can come because last time they couldn’t come for visa issues,” she said. “But all my coaches are here with me, supporting me and I won the belt.”
  With six years’ experience in UFC, Andrade has a reputation for brutally seeing off opponents.But Zhang, who is known for her ferocious “buzz saw” attacking style, never allowed Andrade to get going. “I think the keys to my win were my calm mindset and the strategy defined by my coaches. All the strategies were practical and predicted every move to help me seize every opportunity,” Zhang said.
  She was the first Chinese fighter to even get a title shot from the UFC, which is now pushing hard into a Chinese market where interest in MMA is growing rapidly. Afterwards, Zhang hoped to inspire more young Chinese women to take up MMA and to be a source of inspiration for women, both in MMA and everyday life.
  1. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
  A. Andrade is a great opponent.
  B. Andrade has 9 UFC wins so far.
  C. Zhang owed her victory to her efforts.
  D. Zhang was afraid of Andrade’s attacks.
  2. What does the underlined word “corners” mean?
  A. Opponents. B. Coaches.
  C. Relatives. D. Friends.
  3. Zhang’s win can be owed to ___________ .
  A. strict teaching of her coaches
  B. support from her coaches and friends
  C. her strong body shape and enthusiasm
  D. her mindset and strategies developed by her coaches
  4. Which of the following may Zhang agree with according to the last paragraph?
  A. Women can make a big difference as well.
  B. Women should not ignore their appearance.
  C. Women should compete with men to show their abilities.
  D. Women can change their fate by winning UFC.
  the 序数词后接to do形式作定语
  She was the first Chinese fighter to even get a title shot from the UFC, which is now pushing hard into a Chinese market where interest in MMA is growing rapidly. 她是第一个获得UFC冠军的中国格斗选手,UFC如今正努力打开对综合格斗兴趣日益增长的中国市场。
玩偶旅行,是一种新兴的酷玩方式,玩的是一种在路上的感觉。     我们总是梦想,有一天能够环游世界,在路上书写憧憬。“玩偶旅行”的酷玩方式因此而兴。  带上心爱的玩偶出行,会使旅行拥有更多新鲜和乐趣。喜欢独自旅行的人,会让不会发声不会反驳的玩偶分享自己的寂寞心事;厌倦了千篇一律风景照的人,会以玩偶来代替自己的眼睛,另眼看世界;被繁忙的工作生活所累无法远行的人,会依赖网络另一端的朋友,让玩偶代替自己
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锯子、榔头、砂纸、胶带……这些最熟悉的通用工具,能最有效地组装出各种音箱系统。当你看到一个老的和一个年轻的工人为一组。用砂纸潜心打磨音箱表面,以及年约60岁的老师傅熟练地进行音箱表面的最后喷涂时。你可能不会想到。最美的视听盛宴就要诞生了。    传统手工与现代听音的和谐    在MONITOR的生产车间,见不到传送带和长长的工作台,也没有什么自动化的设备。从音箱的制作到单元的装配、分频网络的组装、
埃克塞特大学的一项研究发现,那些极度偏爱使用某边爪子的松鼠,不管是右还是左——在学习时都表现不佳。  A study at the University of Exeter in January 2020 found that squirrels that strongly favored a paw (爪子) —whether right or left—performed less well
民以食为天,食以安为先。  3月18日,上海市食品药品安全工作会议召开,中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记李强在会议上强调,食品药品安全事关人民群众身体健康、生命安全,事关城市高质量发展、高品质生活。要着力提升食品药品安全工作能力水平,切实防范化解食品药品领域重大风险,不断提高人民群众的获得感、幸福感和安全感。  本次会议明确要求把监督网络延伸到基层和社会公众中去,增强网格发现功能,完善投诉举报制度
非物质文化遗产系列报道之二十七  热河桌的命运跟传承人一起,随着时代的发展翻过了新的一页。    在央视《百家讲坛》马未都先生说收藏中,特地提到一件“万字锦地拼面画桌”。这件由紫檀和瘿木制成的画桌,桌面大约由5000块细碎小木块拼成,连绵不断的“卍”字图案体现了制作者巧夺天工的技艺。殊不知,这项源自清宫的皇家工艺名为“热河桌工艺”,历经岁月沧桑几近失传,如今终于在其第七代传承人孟繁中手里得以再现风
竹天家的龙凤宝宝快6岁了,特别爱画画。竹天喜欢布艺手工,女儿看着妈妈做布艺,也想学着拿针线,儿子呢,也跃跃欲试。于是妈妈就带着孩子们一起动手做不织布书套,既方便孩子制作又实用。女儿的粉红书皮上是可爱的小兔姑娘,儿子的蓝色书皮上则是男孩子喜欢的奥特曼。  妈妈孩子齐动脑、齐动手,一起创意制作,特别有意思。    材料: 各色不织布、绣花棉线、缝纫线、针、珠针、剪刀、儿童用安全剪刀、不织布手工胶水、水
You may have wondered why many doctors offices have fish tanks. While fish are fun, its most likely that the medical professionals are aiming to keep their waiting areas low?stress, so their patients
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