
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuqs
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A new Thiele’s modulus,φ F,was developed to provide a gradual transition between zero and the first order of kinetics,and to accurately calculate the mass transfer flux and the effectiveness factor for the Monod biofilm.Values of the effectiveness factor,calculated using the new Thiele’s modulus,were compared with those obtained from numerical solutions and from other published moduli and empirical formulae.The comparison indi- cated that the new Thiele’s modulus was the best modulus for the Monod biofilm model.In addition,another Thiele’s modulus,φ G,was developed for a Monod biofilm,covered with an external water layer.The overall effec- tiveness factor can also be calculated by using both moduliφ F andφ G.The criteria that were proposed for identifica- tion were based on the values ofφ F andφ G,the limiting processes for biomass growth,and substrate conversion. Developed fromφ F,a new parameterψwas related uniquely to such features as the depth and shallowness of the generalized substrate concentration profiles inside a Monod biofilm.Criteria were developed to identify the types of concentration distribution inside a Monod biofilm.These methods were used to estimate the substrate flux and the concentration distribution of the biofilms defined in the first benchmark problem(BM1),by a task group of the In- ternational Water Association on Biofilm Modeling.
【摘要】随着我国经济的不断发展,各个大中小企业也随之发展起来,因会计工作在企业中也更加重要。中职院校是培养会计专业人才的重要场所但现有的中职院校教育,与企业对会计人才的需求有着很大的差距,在教育教学上仍存在诸多问题。特别是在理财教育方面,中职院校对学生理财教育不够重视,忽视了教育教学的实践性,因此,在教学实践中,应该进行对理财教育方法的探索,以实现会计专业教学的创新,培养应用型会计人才。  【关键
故障现象 原因分析 一辆BJ2021型(213型)吉普车行驶2000余千米后,在转弯或不平路面上行驶时,车后部产生有喀噔喀噔的响声,支起后桥车轮作检查,车轮轴向窜动量较大,按一般载
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本文以近几年的影视作品纠纷为切入点浅析影视作品纠纷产生的原因。 In this paper, the disputes of film and television works in recent years as the starting point t