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软盘驱动器比较容易出故障。现根据本人使用情况,介绍几点维护意见:1.软盘驱动器应定期维护。对环境条件较好的机房(有空调设备,灰尘少)可隔三个月至半年定期维护一次。环境条件比较差的机房(无空调设备,灰尘大,进出不换鞋),隔二到三个月要维护一次。2.定期维护时打开机箱,用吸尘器或皮软盘驱动器比较容易出故障。现根据本人使用情况,介绍几点维护意见:1.软盘驱动器应定期维护。对环境条件较好的机房(有空调设备,灰尘少)可隔三个月至半年定期维护一次。环境条件比较差的机房(无空调设备,灰尘大,进出不换鞋),隔二到三个月要维护一次。2.定期维护时打开机箱,用吸尘器或皮老虎除尘,再用无水酒精擦洗,重点清洗磁头,清洗时不要用金属镊子夹沾酒精的布,以免碰伤磁头。干爆后,用沾过仪表油的绸布擦推动磁头运动的丝杆,使其起润滑作用。油不能太多,以免丝杆运动时甩出油弄坏软盘。盖上机箱,启动系统,用测试程序对驱动器进行一次全面测试。3.为避免磁头卡死,请不要在读/写软盘内容时按 RESET 键。如发生磁头卡死,应立即关机,打开机箱,用手拧推动磁头运动的丝杆,使磁头移到中间位置。并给丝杆加点仪表油。4.如在使用中发现软盘读/写有误,应清洗磁头。然后再用测试程序检查软盘驱动器。5.如在使用中发现读/写盘时发出的声音太大,说明丝杆摩擦力太大,应加仪表油润滑。6.如果清尘、擦洗和加油之后故障仍不能排除,应停止使用,并立即送维修站维修。 Floppy disk drive is relatively easy to fail. Now according to my usage, introduce some maintenance advice: 1. Floppy drive should be regularly maintained. The better the environmental conditions of the engine room (air-conditioning equipment, less dust) can be regularly maintained every three months to six months time. Relatively poor environmental conditions of the engine room (no air-conditioning equipment, dust, not out of shoes), every two to three months to maintain once. 2. Open the chassis during regular maintenance, with a vacuum cleaner or leather floppy disk drive is more prone to failure. Now according to my usage, introduce some maintenance advice: 1. Floppy drive should be regularly maintained. The better the environmental conditions of the engine room (air-conditioning equipment, less dust) can be regularly maintained every three months to six months time. Relatively poor environmental conditions of the engine room (no air-conditioning equipment, dust, not out of shoes), every two to three months to maintain once. 2. Regular maintenance, open the case, with a vacuum cleaner or leather tiger dust, and then anhydrous alcohol scrub, focus on cleaning the head, cleaning do not use metal tweezers folder stained alcohol cloth, so as not to bump the head. Dry explosion, with a dip instrument silk cloth to promote the head movement of the screw, make it play a role in lubrication. The oil can not be too much, so as not to throw the oil when the screw movement to damage the floppy disk. Cover the chassis, start the system, with the test program to conduct a comprehensive test drive. 3. To avoid head stuck, do not press RESET while reading / writing floppy disk contents. In the event of head stuck, should be immediately shut down, open the chassis, hand screwed the head movement of the screw, the head moved to the middle position. And to add some instrument screw gauge oil. 4. If found in the use of floppy disk read / write errors, should clean the head. Then use the test program to check the floppy drive. 5. If found in the use of read / write disc when the sound is too large, indicating the screw friction is too large, should add instrument oil lubrication. 6. If the dust, scrub and refueling after the failure can not be ruled out, should stop using, and immediately sent to repair depot repair.
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