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当前我国外语教学改革的重要课题之一,是深入研究教师在课堂教学中所应扮演的角色,并迅速完成其角色转换。传统外语教学论认为教师是课堂教学的主体,而学生是客体。这种认识驱使教师脱离学生实际拼命钻研“教”的艺术,垄断整个课堂。现代外语教学论科学地认定外语课堂上的真正主体是学生而不是教师,教师的职责是在组织、指导、帮助和监督方面发挥主导作用。据此,外语教师应该花大力气去研究如何引起学生学和帮助学生学,以培养能力为目标进行精心细致的备课,用实践活动作课堂教学的主线,使外语课堂教学从知识灌输型转化为能力培养型。如此,则必然实现大幅度提高外语教学质量的目标。 At present, one of the important topics in the reform of foreign language teaching in our country is to deeply study the role teachers should play in classroom teaching and to quickly complete the conversion of their roles. Traditional foreign language teaching theory that teachers are the main body of classroom teaching, and students are the object. This kind of understanding has driven teachers to deviate from the students’ desperate study of the art of “teaching” and monopolize the whole class. The modern foreign language teaching theory scientifically determines that the real subject in a foreign language classroom is a student rather than a teacher. The teacher’s duty is to play a leading role in organizing, guiding, helping and supervising. Therefore, foreign language teachers should make great efforts to study how to arouse students’ learning and help students to learn, to cultivate ability as the goal of meticulous preparation of lessons, with practical activities as the main line of classroom teaching, foreign language teaching from the type of knowledge into Ability to develop type. In this way, it is inevitable to achieve the goal of greatly improving the quality of foreign language teaching.
该文对遗传算法(Genetic Algorithms)在飞行器总体优化设计中的应用进行了研究。针对飞机设计的自身特点,对遗传算法作了修正和调整。该文首先介绍了遗传算法的基本原理,并建立
目的 探讨歼8飞机夏季飞行时适宜的座舱供气条件。方法 将歼8前机身置于电辐射加温器内,当座舱盖温度达60℃,飞机座舱驾驶杆周围温度稳定在40℃时,座舱空气调节系统使用不同的