今年是推进社会主义市场经济体制建立的关键一年。加强包括企业法制在内的社会主义法制建设,是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展的重要保障。 一、正确认识当前的宏观经济形势,把抓紧抓好企业法制工作与全面贯彻落实中央加强宏观调控的各项政策措施结合起来。 正确认识当前经济形势,对于继续贯彻落实好中央各项政策措施,进一步提高抓好企业法制工作的自觉性很有必要。 去年经济形势总的说来是好的,发展是健康的。从经济运行方面看,国民经济继续保持较高的增长速度,全年国民生产总值增长13%;企业经济
This year is a crucial year for the establishment of a socialist market economic system. Strengthening the construction of the socialist legal system, including the corporate legal system, is an important guarantee for establishing and improving the socialist market economic system and maintaining the sustained, rapid, and healthy development of the national economy. I. Correctly understand the current macroeconomic situation, and combine the efforts to grasp the work of the enterprise legal system with all policies and measures for the full implementation of the central government’s efforts to strengthen macro-control. Correctly understanding the current economic situation is necessary for the continued implementation of the central government’s various policies and measures, and for further improving the awareness of the enterprise legal system. Last year, the economic situation was generally good and development was healthy. From the aspect of economic operation, the national economy continues to maintain a relatively high growth rate, with annual gross national product increasing by 13%; corporate economy