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一、善治的理念与要素进入20世纪以来,伴随着现代市场经济的空前发达,政府职能也在全方位、宽领域、多层次拓展与深化,这使得“社会需要的不只是安全与秩序,还包括更重要的实质性公正,那就是对建立在私权力基础上不均衡的利益关系进行重新调整,也就是社会的普遍福利化和细致的公共服务,因为只有这些才能提供真正的安全与秩序。行政权就是在这样的背景下转变了其运行目的,公共利益不只是安全秩序,它还包括普遍的社会福利和细致的公共服务。而这种目的转向导致行政权已不可能像传统行政权那样采取单一的行使方式了,行政权实施的直接来源也发生了很大的变化”。一方面,政府行政权力在以组织化 I. Concepts and Elements of Good Governance Since the 20th century, with the unprecedented development of modern market economy, government functions have also been expanded and deepened in an all-round way, in a wide range of fields and at multiple levels. This has made social needs not only safety and order, The more important substantive fairness is also the readjustment of unbalanced interests based on private power, that is, the general welfare and meticulous public service of the community, which alone can provide true security and order It is against this background that the executive power has changed its purpose of operation. The public interest is not only a matter of security, but it also includes universal social welfare and meticulous public service, and this shift of direction has made it impossible for the executive power to resemble the traditional executive power So take a single mode of exercise, the direct source of administrative power has also undergone great changes ". On the one hand, the administrative power of the government is being organized
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位: 《广州市城市管理综合执法细则》业经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。第一章总则第一条为加强城市管理,明确综合执法的
改革开放带来了劳动关系的重大变化。 从经济结构的调整到多种经济成分共同发展,从分配关系的多样化到劳动就业的市场化,劳动者在感受到竞业压力的同时,也拥有了前所未有的选
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省委、省人民政府同意省建委《关于处理私房改造遗留问题的意见》,现作为试行稿发给你们,请研究执行。执行的情况和问题,请及时向省建委反映。 Provincial Party Committee
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