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本刊讯据国家发改委通报,今年一季度,我国化工行业增加值同比增长12%,增速同比减缓0.2个百分点。化肥产量1666万吨,增长1.3%;其中,氮肥产量增长2.2%、磷肥、钾肥产量分别下降0.7%和3%。农药产量87.2万吨,增长6.1%。多数化工产品价格回落。3月份,国产磷酸二胺2640元/吨,比上月下跌0.8%,同比下跌20.7%;尿素1570元/吨,比上月下跌6.5%,同比下跌29%。 According to the National Development and Reform Commission circular, in the first quarter of this year, the added value of China’s chemical industry increased by 12% over the same period of last year, a deceleration of 0.2 percentage point from the same period of last year. Fertilizer output was 16.66 million tons, an increase of 1.3%. Among them, nitrogen fertilizer production increased by 2.2% and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer output decreased by 0.7% and 3% respectively. Pesticide production 872,000 tons, an increase of 6.1%. Most chemical products prices down. In March, domestic phosphoric acid diamine 2640 yuan / ton, down 0.8% from the previous month, down 20.7%; urea 1570 yuan / ton, down 6.5% from the previous month, down 29%.
Insulinlisproisaninsulinanaloguethathastheadvantagesofbeingfast acting ,convenient,andlesslikelytoleadtohypoglycaemicepisodes Previousstudieshaveprovenitsvaluei
1 临床资料患者 ,女 ,19岁。自服鲁米那 180片 2小时 ,经当地洗胃、补液后转入本院。查体 :T3 7 1℃ ,P12 0次 /分 ,R8次 /分 ,BP11 98/ 7 98kPa。深昏迷 ,呼吸表浅 ,瞳孔 0
Tin oxide(SnO_2) nanoparticles were cost-effectively synthesized using nontoxic chemicals and green tea(Camellia sinensis) extract via a green synthesis method.
Although the triad of bronchiectasis, sinusitis and situs inversus was first described by Kartagener in 1933, the clinical spectrum of primary ciliary dyskinesi