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鹤岗市植物油厂是黑龙江省粮食系统大型油脂加工企业,也是鹤岗市农业发展银行重点支持的骨干企业之一。现有职工620人,年加工能力12万吨,经营量近20万吨,年创工业产值近7000万元,实现利税在千万元以上。近年来,该厂在省粮食厅、市粮食局的领导下,在鹤岗市农发行等有关部门的大力支持下,通过加强企业管理,依靠科技进步,闯出了一条企业发展的新路子,促进了企业经济效益的不断提高。自1991年以来,该厂已连续6年实现利税超千万;连续两年被省政府授予“质量、品种、效益”标兵企业;在全国粮油加工企业中,其综合效益列全国商办工业“十佳”企业之首;被评为国家二级企业。转变观念建立经营新格局在计划经济时期,植物油厂原料有人保,产品有人调,购销都不愁,只要加工出合格的产品,就有可观的效益。因此,进入市场经济之后,该厂也象其他粮食加工企业一样,遇到了企业内部管理机制、经营格局与新形势不相适应的问题。从管理体制上看,过去整个生产经营活动完全是靠指令性计划来运行的;从经营格局和工作中心上看,过去始终是以生产为轴心,以产供销为序来安排生产经营活动。而在市场经济条件下,必须以市场为轴心,以销供产为序布置生产经 Hegang Vegetable Oil Factory is a large-scale oil processing enterprise in the grain system of Heilongjiang Province and one of the key enterprises supported by Hegang City Agricultural Development Bank. With 620 employees, the company has an annual processing capacity of 120,000 tons, an operating volume of nearly 200,000 tons, an annual industrial output value of nearly 70 million yuan, and profits and taxes of more than 10 million yuan. In recent years, under the leadership of the Provincial Department of Grain and the Municipal Grain Bureau, under the strong support of relevant departments such as the Agricultural Development of Hegang City, the plant has developed a new path for enterprise development by strengthening enterprise management and relying on scientific and technological progress. Promote the continuous improvement of business economic efficiency. Since 1991, the plant has achieved profits and taxes exceeding 10 million for 6 consecutive years; awarded “quality, variety, and efficiency” as a model enterprise by the provincial government for two consecutive years; in the national grain and oil processing enterprises, its comprehensive benefits have been listed in the National Business Office. The industry’s “top ten” company’s first; was rated as the national second-tier enterprises. Change the concept and establish a new business structure In the planned economy period, raw materials for vegetable oil plants are guaranteed, products are adjusted, and purchases and sales are not flawed. As long as qualified products are processed, there will be considerable benefits. Therefore, after entering the market economy, the factory, like other food processing companies, encountered the problem of incommensurable internal management mechanisms, operating patterns, and new situations. Judging from the management system, in the past, the entire production and operation activities were entirely based on mandatory plans. From the perspective of business structure and work center, production has always been centered on production and production and supply and sales have been used to arrange production and business activities. Under the conditions of market economy, we must take the market as the axis and arrange production and production in order of production.
阅兵,是国家庆典的一种隆重仪式,也是检阅其国防实力的重要手段,因此,世界各国都十分重视。阅兵,已成为各国国庆庆典中一项最隆重的活动。 我们国家也十分重视国庆阅兵这项
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Intel 公司全新的 MMO 设计使得今年的超薄型笔记本电脑系统无法采用最新的微处理器芯片。一些 PC 制造商和分析人员认为,Intel 公司为笔记本机设计的移动处理器模块的尺寸
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对着一网打上来的活蹦乱跳的鱼,鱼仙平子像鱼般张着嘴大喘气。他有严重的哮喘病,离不开炮弹样的氧气瓶,走上几步路就要歇歇,即便在家舒适的沙发上坐着、躺着,哮喘袭来,能救他命、接上一口气的唯有氧气,他大口地吸着,氧气如水汩汩地从呼吸道流进血管,充溢肺泡,人才活络过来。  这一网鱼实在,大的数十斤,小的也有斤儿八两的,沉甸甸的一网少说重量超过一千斤。他让手下挑出一条最大的鱼,上磅称过,足足三十八斤,抬起来