George Sees Stars (II)

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  Scene 4 The new light for Tonys room
  (In the corridor.)
  George Mary, can you help me? Take these flowers to Tonys room, please. Ive got this new light for the room. Do you like it?
  (The new light is green. It has yellow and red flowers on it.)
  Mary Oh, George!Its horrible. You cant put that in his room!
  George Yes, I can. I think its beautiful. I like it and Im going to put it up now. Can you help me?
  Mary Oh, all right. Give me the flowers.
  (In the room.)
  George Hold the ladder, Mary. Im going to put the light up. Careful, now!
  Mary I want a cup of coffee.
  George Please, Mary. Not now. Hold the ladder for me... Careful!There!
  Mary Ouch!Youre standing on my hand.
  George Hold the ladder, Mary. Dont go, Mary...!Ah!Help!
  (He falls off the ladder.)
  George Ooh... my head!
  Scene 5 An old woman arrives
  (It is five oclock. A woman is getting out of a taxi.)
  Woman Good afternoon!Are you the manager?
  George Er, no... yes!Yes, I am.
  Woman Have you got a room here for me?
  George A room? Oh no. Im afraid were full. Were very busy this year.
  Woman What? No rooms. Busy? But I think my...
  George Thats right, no rooms. Weve got important people in the hotel today. But er... whats your name?
  Woman Margaret Adams. And Im tired. too.
  George Oh, all right. Come in.
  (In the hotel again.)
  George Yes, you can have a room for one or two nights. But its small and you cant see the sea.
  Woman But I want to see the sea. Have you got any other rooms?
  George I dont know... No. There isnt another room. Were very busy, you see.
  Woman And Im very tired. The small rooms OK. Why are you busy?
  George A famous TV star is coming.
  Woman Oh, very interesting. Do you like TV?
  George No... er... yes!Very much.
  Woman Yes, I do too. I like films best.
  (She laughs.)
  George Heres your key. Your room is number 5.
  Woman Thank you. Im going up to my room now. Please bring my bag—its outside, in the street.
  (The woman goes out.)
  George Her bag? I havent got time. I cant take her bag to her room.
  (George carries the womans bag into the hotel and quickly puts it in a cupboard. Mary comes in. She is drinking coffee.)
  Mary Whos that woman, George?
  George Thats... er... Miss Adams. Shes in room 5.
  Mary Oh, thats a horrible room. Its very small and you cant see the sea.
  George Thats right. But it is quiet. Its fine for her. Shes only going to stay for one or two nights. Do you like the new light in the big room? Its nice, I think... very nice.
  Mary Its horrible, George. Red and yellow flowers! Ugh!And its very big. Is it safe?
  George Safe? Yes, oh yes, its safe. Ha, ha!
  (to be continued)
用現在进行时完成下列句子。  1. Its ten oclock. My mother is ____ (lie) on the bed.  2. What ____ he ____ (mend) now?  3. We ____ (play) games now.  4. ____ he ____ (clean) the classroom?  5. What are you ____ (do)
书信是我们日常生活或学习中常用的应用文文体之一。申请信也是书信的一种,常用于申请入学或申请加入少先队、团组织或某个团体、团队等等。那么我们应该如何来写申请信呢?下面我们就从学习书信的格式入手吧。  第一步_写好信头  英文申请信的信头与一般的书信一样,首先在信纸的右上角写上发信者的住址和日期。地址的写法通常是由小到大,如:门牌号、街道名、市(县)名、省名、国名(邮政编码通常写在城市名之后)。这与我
Singapore is a beautiful country. Singapore Zoo is big and popular① around the world. It opened in 1973. Now it is big and beautiful. About 300 different kinds of animals are living there. All the ani
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形容词是用来说明、修饰名词或不定代词的词,表示人或物的性质、特征或状态。  一、形容词的种类  1. 性质形容词  性质形容词是指直接说明事物的性质、特征的形容词。它可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可以作定语、表语和宾语补足语。大部分形容词是性质形容词。  She is a very clever girl. 她是一个非常聪明的女孩。  We must do something to make the
跟汉语写作一样,标点符号在英语书面表达中同样表示句子与句子之间和句子成分之间的关系,从而使所表达的内容清晰明了,易于读者理解。常用到的标点符号主要有以下几种:  句号 .  一般用于句尾,表示一句话说完后的停顿,主要用于陈述句,以及一些缩略词中。 如:  Knowledge comes from practice. 知识来源于实践。  Mr. Green 格林先生;No. 109 bus 第109
What is a mustang?  Horses have played a very important part in American history. But there were no horses in this country until the Spanish brought them here about 400 years ago. These horses came to
一、单词归纳:  1. 三个“也”  also adv. “也”放在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前。  too“也”放在肯定句句尾,其前可用逗号隔开。相当于as well“也”,as well前无逗号。  either“也”放在否定句句尾。  2. 四个“说”  speak+语言,意为“说……语言”;speak to 用于打电话。  tell“告诉”,tell sb. sth. 告诉
笔试部分中的第IV題为“补全对话”,2020年全国中学生英语能力测评中的“补全对话”题要求考生从所给的7个选项中选出5个能够补全对话的最佳选项。下面我们来共同解析一下此题。  【赛题重现】 2020年全国中学生英语能力测评(NEPTS)初评初一年级组试题  IV. Dialogue Completion (补全对话) (共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)  Please read the follow