Electronic structure of the SrAl_2O_4:Eu~(2+) persistent luminescence material

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songyong
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The electronic structure of the strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4:Eu2+) materials was studied with a combined experimental and theoretical approach. The UV-VUV synchrotron radiation was applied in the experimental study while the electronic structure of the non-optimized and optimized crystal structure were investigated theoretically by using the density functional theory. The structure of the va- lence and conduction bands as well as the band gap energy of the material together with the position of the Eu2+ 4f7 8S7/2 ground state were calculated. The calculated band gap energy (6.4 eV) agreed well with the experimental value of 6.6 eV. The valence band consisted mainly of oxygen states whereas the bottom of the conduction band of strontium states. In agreement with the experimental results, the calculated 4f7 8S7/2 ground state of Eu2+ lies in the energy gap of the host. The position of the 4f7 ground state depended on the Coulomb repulsion strength. The position of the 4f7 ground state with respect to the valence and conduction bands was discussed using theoretical and experimental evidence available. The electronic structure of the strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4: Eu2 +) materials was studied with a combined experimental and theoretical approach. The UV-VUV synchrotron radiation was applied in the experimental study while the electronic structure of the non-optimized and optimized crystal structure were investigated theoretically by using the density functional theory. The structure of the va- lence and conduction bands as well as the band gap energy of the material together with the position of the Eu2 + 4f7 8S7 / 2 ground state were calculated. The calculated band gap energy ( 6.4 eV) agreed well with the experimental value of 6.6 eV. The valence band consisted mainly of oxygen states but the bottom of the conduction band of strontium states. In agreement with the experimental results, the calculated 4f7 8S7 / 2 ground state of Eu2 + lies in the energy gap of the host. The position of the 4f7 ground state depended on the Coulomb repulsion strength. The position of the 4f7 ground state wi th respect to the valence and conduction bands was discussed using theoretical and experimental evidence available.
老王擅写人物    从古以来,写人物的好文章多矣。史传要推司马迁,轶事笔记要推《世说新语》。现代作家写人物,孙犁、张中行,我尤推重。还有一位擅写人物的王春瑜先生,我也甚为推重。 我管王先生叫“老王”。这是20多年前,他微时我对他的称谓,现在他有了大名,我仍未改旧制。我常常回想起当年在他的“土地庙”(他给其陋居取的嘉名)里与他结识的情景,有点温馨,也有点苍凉。 老王擅写的人物,不在历史名人,而在
董学文教授董学文,男,祖籍河北抚宁,1 945年生于吉林省吉林市。1964年以优异成绩考入北京大学中文系文学专业,1969年毕业后留校任教,1979年在职攻读文艺学研究生,师从我国著