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现在.许多很少在家做饭的人也开始喜欢下厨了.厨房的变化让他们感到新鲜.下厨变成了一件充满情趣的事。以前.关于厨房的各类风格让很多人无所适从.或简约.或古典.或前卫……简单的办法就是:那好吧.请告诉我现在流行什么风格。如今.厨房的设计越来越强调人性的因素.因为越来越多的人意识到:厨房.不仅仅是制做食物的操作间.更是一个边下厨,边和爱人讨论双休日的出行计划.和孩子一起聊聊新版电子游戏的休闲场所。在2003年11月28日开业的贝罗尼展厅里.我们可以清晰地看到这种变化。岛型设计和环绕型设计成为眼下厨房空间设计的新亮点.这种平面分割方式既增强了厨房空间的层次感.又可使多人在厨房同时操作。存今年热销的小户型住宅中, Nowadays, many people who rarely cook at home have begun to like cooking. Changes in the kitchen make them feel fresh. Cooking has become a fun thing. Previously, various styles of kitchens have caused many people to be at a loss. Or simple or classical or avant-garde... The simple way is: Well, please tell me what style is popular now. Nowadays, the design of the kitchen is increasingly emphasizing human factors. Because more and more people are realizing that the kitchen is not only an operation room for making food, it is also a side kitchen where you can discuss the weekend plans with your lover. Talk to your kids about a new place for video games. In the Belloni showroom opened on November 28, 2003, we can clearly see this change. The island design and the surround design become the new highlights of the kitchen space design in the moment. This flat division method not only enhances the sense of the kitchen space, but also allows multiple people to operate in the kitchen at the same time. In this year’s hot-selling small-family homes,
高级商务空间,不是严肃正统的代名词,而是指能够在众多商务楼盘中找准位置,将自我特色贯彻到底。峻峰华亭就是以个性商务空间作为卖点的楼盘之一。 High-level business spa
ON the occasion of the 50thanniversary of the foundingof New China,KunmingInternational HorticulturalExposition’99 and the 20thAssociation of InternationalArc
10月31日,晴空万里,秋风送爽,正是秋收的好时光。全黄的稻穗在微风的吹拂下,频频向人们点头致意,似乎在迎接着一种新的享受。 这一天,在城郊320昌抚国道孝桥路段左侧的田间,
一、发展简史石棉水泥板(Asbestos Cement Shreet简称ac板)具有两个优势,一是材料性能优势——轻质,高强,耐火,抗冻,不燃,热阻电阻高,加工性能好;二是高效率工业化生产方式
在这间遍布最新无线技术的豪华公寓里,你能够俯瞰著名的巴特西发电厂和脚下的泰晤士河。 In this luxury apartment with the latest wireless technology, you can overloo
(三) 先进的流浆法制板机流浆法制板机也是采取湿法生产工艺,制板机前后工序配套的设备基本上与“抄取法”的设备相同,但制板坯的主机不同。流浆法制板机的机理不是依靠“抄