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中国山水画滥觞于晋,成于五代,盛于宋元。魏晋时期山水画得以产生,其根源在“魏晋风度”。“魏晋风度”一词实出自鲁迅先生1927年《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》一文,一般理解为当时的名士风度,实指魏晋时期形成的一种人格精神与生活方式的统一体,它主要包括哲学思辨、人格境界、文学创作、审美追求等方面。魏晋时期,南北分裂,战乱频仍,社会空前动荡。身逢乱世的人们饱尝离乱之苦,人心思定是人们的普遍心理,而企求解脱的老庄学说从此走进人们的心灵之中。魏晋名士以“清谈”为主要方式,针对本与末、有与无、动与静、一与多、体与用、言与意、自然与名教的诸多具有哲学意义的命题进行了深入讨论、旨在追求新的思辨哲理,探索宇宙自然与 Chinese landscapes originated in Jin Dynasty, into the Five Dynasties, flourished in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The landscape painting in Wei and Jin dynasties came into being, the root of which is in the style of Wei and Jin dynasties. “Wei and Jin demeanor ” is the real word from Mr. Lu Xun 1927 “Wei and Jin demeanor and article and the relationship between medicine and alcohol,” a text, generally understood as the then celebrities demeanor, refers to the Wei and Jin Dynasties is a form of personality and spiritual Life style of unity, which mainly includes philosophical thinking, personality realm, literary creation, aesthetic pursuit and so on. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the north and south were divided, the war was frequent and the society was unprecedentedly turmoil. The troubled people suffer from the chaos of suffering, people’s mind is determined by the people’s general psychology, and the pursuit of liberation of Lao-Zhuang doctrine into the hearts of people from then on. The celebrities of Wei and Jin dynasties focused their discussions on the philosophical propositions of Ben and Mozambique, with and without Morals, movement and tranquility, one or more, body and use, words and minds, nature and famous teachings In-depth discussion, aimed at the pursuit of new speculative philosophy, exploration of the universe and nature
刘淑琴 女,28岁,北京市百货大楼营业员,先后被评为北京市优秀共青团员,获“五四”奖章,北京市三八劳动能手,全国先进工作者,荣获北京市“首都劳动奖章”、全国“五一”劳动
目的:建立母丁香中丁香酚和2-羟基-4,6-二甲氧基-5-甲基苯乙酮的超快速液相色谱(UFLC)含量测定方法,完善母丁香药材的质量标准。方法:采用Shim-pack XR-ODSⅡ(3.0 mm×75 mm,
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