Renewing the Momentum

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hfwandy
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China and the EU revitalize business ties while seeking to address concerns Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguoand Catherine Ashton,Vice President of the European Counciland EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,co-chaired the first upgraded China-EU strategic dialogue in Guiyang,capital of southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on September 1. China and the EU revitalize business ties while seeking to address concerns Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguoand Catherine Ashton, Vice President of the European Counciland EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, co-chaired the first upgraded China-EU strategic dialogue in Guiyang, Capital of southwest China’s Guizhou Province, on September 1.
Topic: What do you think are the symbols of success in today’s China?Directions: The answers of what success means vary from person to person and change time
The five basic senses-taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell-were firstdescribed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle over 2000 years ago. Yet on-ly within the past
冯军,华旗数码科技公司总裁,创建著名品牌“爱国者”,1987年,考入清华大学土木系,1993年,在中关村创办“华旗资讯”,开始自主创业。2002年,入选TOP10中国科技新锐,2003年,荣获第六届“中国青年科技创新杰出奖”。    “让一步”是成功的一步    1987年,我以全校第一的成绩从西安育才中学考入清华大学土木系。大学四年我都在不安分中度过,四处出击。大一时,我想转到建筑系兼顾艺术,但
《大学英语》(李荫华主编)精读课本第四册第五单元《TOLIEORNOTTOLIE──THEDOCTOR‘SDILEMMA》中有这样一句话:…anumberofdoctorsmayslipintodeceptivepracticesthattheyassu “College English” (ed. Li Yinhua) Intensive Reading Textbook Volume 5, “TOLIEORNOTTOL