煤炭法制讲座 第一讲 煤炭法制现状

来源 :煤炭经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wa0002
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煤炭法制是国家法制的组成部分。煤炭法制包括煤炭立法、执法和法律遵守三个方面,也可以概括为静态的煤炭法律制度和动态的执法、守法过程两个方面。下面根据煤炭法制情况,从煤炭立法、执法和煤炭法制的健全与完善三个方面介绍煤炭法制的现状。煤炭立法解放前中国煤炭工业实行封建式的管理体制,虽曾有1907年的《大清矿务章程》以及国民党政府的《矿业法草案》等法律、法规,但由于缺乏得以实施的社会环境.因而无法产生社会作用。新中国成立后,为更好地建设和发展煤炭工业,1951年燃料工业部提出了《矿业法草案初步拟议》,又根据苏联经验和本国的生产实践制定了煤炭生产、安 The coal legal system is an integral part of the national legal system. Coal legal system, including coal legislation, law enforcement and legal compliance in three areas, can also be summarized as static coal legal system and dynamic law enforcement, law-abiding process in two aspects. The following according to the legal situation of coal, from the coal legislation, law enforcement and the improvement and perfection of the legal system of coal to introduce the current status of the coal legal system. Before the liberation of coal legislation, the Chinese coal industry implemented a feudal management system. Although there were laws and regulations such as the “Qing Mining Regulations” of 1907 and the “Mining Law Draft” of the Kuomintang government, there was a lack of social environment to be implemented. Thus can not produce the social function. After the founding of New China, in order to better build and develop the coal industry, the Ministry of Fuel Industry proposed the Preliminary Proposal for the Draft Mining Law in 1951 and formulated the coal production and safety plan according to the experience of the Soviet Union and its own production practices
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