Evolution of reproductive traits in the mahagony family(Meliaceae)

来源 :植物分类学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gwq939
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Meliaceae are a mostly pantropical family in the Sapindales,bearing flowers typically provided with a staminal tube,formed by filaments that are fused partially or totally.Nevertheless,several genera of subfamily Cedreloideae have free stamens,which may be adnate to an androgynophore in some taxa.The fact that the family exhibits a wide diversity of floral and fruit features,as well as of sexual systems and pollination syndromes,presents interesting questions on the evolutionary processes that might have taken place during its history.In this study,we analyzed the distribution of 20 reproductive morphological traits of Meliaceae,upon an available molecular phylogenetic framework,using 31 terminals from the family's two main clades(Cedreloideae and Melioideae),plus six Simaroubaceae taxa as outgroup.We aimed to identify and/or confirm synapomorphies for clades within the family and to develop hypotheses on floral evolution and sexual systems in the group.Our reconstruction suggests that the ancestor of Meliaceae was possibly provided with united stamens and unisexual flowers in dioecious individuals,with a subsequent change to free stamens and monoecy in the ancestor of Cedreloideae.Most characters studied show some degree of homoplasy,but some are unique synapomorphies of clades,such as the haplostemonous androecium.An androgynophore defines the Cedrela-Toona clade.The comparative approach of our study and the evolutionary hypotheses generated herein reveal several aspects demanding further structural investigation,and possible evolutionary pathways of the reproductive structures along with the lineages'diversification,mostly related to the specialization of sexual systems,floral biology,and dispersal strategies.
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