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Internet 持续高速增长,电子贸易紧跟其后。电子贸易完全改变了我们当今的贸易方式,使得小公司可以实现全球在线订货。越来越多的信用卡付款方式在Internet 上出现。电子贸易将以巨大的速度增长,并给金融业带来巨大影响。据预测到2010年全球的电子贸易交易额可达1万亿美元。毫无疑问,大家都希望成就这种增长,然而主要障碍是缺少电子付款的安全保障。客户和商家们都担心在开放式的 Internet上传输他们的付款信息,这种信息的泄露影响到了商人和金融机构的利益。万事达卡(Master Card)和维萨(Visa)公司联合开发了 SET 协议,作为在公开网络上的安全的信用卡付款交易方式,SET 也作为业内公开标准推广使用。SET 是网上的一种开放式标准多方的安全信用卡付款方式。交互操作是通过特定的协议和信息格式设计的。SET 实现了 Internet continues to grow rapidly, followed by e-commerce. E-commerce has completely changed the way we trade today, allowing smaller companies to place orders online globally. More and more credit card payment methods appear on the Internet. Electronic commerce will grow at a tremendous rate and have a huge impact on the financial industry. It is estimated that by 2010 the global electronic trade volume will reach 1 trillion U.S. dollars. There is no doubt that everyone hopes to achieve this growth, but the main obstacle is the lack of security of electronic payment. Both customers and businesses are concerned about the transmission of their payment information over the open Internet, the disclosure of which affects the interests of merchants and financial institutions. Master Card and Visa Inc. have jointly developed the SET protocol as a secure credit card payment transaction over the public network. SET is also being promoted as an open standard in the industry. SET is an open standard multi-party secure credit card payment method online. Interoperability is designed through specific protocols and information formats. SET achieved
处理30MHz 8051家族的仿真器 Cactus-8051用一组目标适配器可仿 The Cactus-8051, which handles the 30MHz 8051 family of emulators, is emulated with a set of target
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天气一天天地暖了起来,带给人们春天到来的信息。和渐暖的天气一样,UPS(不间断电源)产品也在一天一天地热起来。据专家预测,从现在到2000年,UPS 市场会以每年30%的速度递增,
不同的行业其需求也不一样,因而惠普公司近期推出的数款新型服务器的行业特色十分鲜明。12月21日,据惠普公司信息产品事业部服务器产品市场开发经理杨诺础先生介绍,HP NetSe
实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦是近代以来中华民族的夙愿。The Chinese dream,which is the great renewal of the Chinese nation,has been its long cherished dream since
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