Spatial Variability of Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in a Small Watershed of Loess Hilly Reg

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sclin
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Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is an important soil hydraulic parameter for charactering the rate of water flow across the soils and is mainly related to its high spatial variability. In a small watershed with the area of 0.27 km2 in the Loess Plateau, Ks of 197 soil samples under different vegetations and landforms were measured. Ks had a moderate variability for total samples. The forestland had high Ks with low coefficient of variation (CV), but the grassland in the watershed bottom had low Ks with big CV. Ks had moderate correlation in space distribution and combined both structural and random factors. At the N-S and E-W directions of watershed being parallel and normal to the stream valley, Ks had relatively weak correlation, indicating that the random factor was the dominate reason causing spatial variance. At the NE-SW and SE-NW directions, Ks had relatively strong correlation due to structural factors such as geomorphology and vegetation distribution patterns. Kriging optimal estimation method was used to produce Ks contour map. The Kriging standard deviation (SD) was the lowest near the sampling points, and increased along with the distance to sampling points. In the Loess Plateau region, soil texture is relatively even, and the vegetation distribution pattern was the key factor affecting spatial variability of Ks. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is an important soil hydraulic parameter for charactering the rate of water flow across the soils and is mainly related to its high spatial variability. In a small watershed with the area of ​​0.27 km2 in the Loess Plateau, Ks of 197 Ks had a moderate variability for total samples. The forestland had high Ks with low coefficient of variation (CV), but the grassland in the watershed bottom had Ks with big CV. Ks had moderate correlation in space distribution and combined both structural and random factors. At the NS and EW directions of watershed being parallel and normal to the stream valley, Ks had relatively weak correlation, indicating that the random factor was the dominate reason causing spatial variance. At the NE-SW and SE-NW directions, Ks did relatively strong correlation due to structural factors such as geomorphology and vegetation distribution patterns. Kriging op The Kriging standard deviation (SD) was the lowest lowest of the sampling points, and increased along with the distance to sampling points. In the Loess Plateau region, soil texture is relatively even, and the vegetation distribution pattern was the key factor affecting spatial variability of Ks.
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我的家乡攀枝花(pān zhī huā)是个钢铁工业城市,因此,她也被人们称为“钢城”。这里矿(kuànɡ)产丰富、风景优美,但我最喜欢的还是“钢城”的夜景。  每当夜幕降临(jiànɡ lín)的时候,五颜六色的灯光就开始争先恐(kǒnɡ)后地炫耀  (xuàn yào)自己的美丽了。不一会儿,灯火辉煌(huī huánɡ)的“钢城”就成了一片灯的海洋、光的世界。厂房里闪耀(shǎn yào)的