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  When I started working from home some months ago, I had not anticipated2 the challenges involved.
  The first was to tell people that I am working from home. I’ve had to explain my work arrangement to my neighbours, who wondered why I was raking leaves or shovelling snow in the mid-afternoon.3 I’ve described it to doorto-door canvassers4, relatives, friends, the gas meter reader, the mail carrier and the parents of children in the kindergarten school yard.
  The people who’ve had the most difficulty in understanding my new work setup are my family. My five-year-old twins, Claire and Alexander, keep asking, with some apprehension5,“Daddy, why don’t you go to work?” My response, “But I am working, just from home,” completely baffles6 them and they gaze at me with an expression unique to children: “Daddy says the funniest things.”
  The second challenge has been the additional demands, mostly from my wife. Her phone calls from her office invariably begin with the four words I’ve come to dread: “Since you’re at home … .”7 Her assumption, and that of others, is that since I’m at home between 9 and 5, I can easily take care of last-minute shopping, arrange for deliveries and drop-offs, orchestrate play dates for the twins, and respond to financial, medical, educational and home maintenance matters for our family.8
  The result is that by working from home I’ve taken on a host of new duties, in addition to those mandated9 by my employer. Over the past six months, our home has acquired a new roof, an upgraded electrical system and a long list of interior and exterior home improvements.
  The third and most complex challenge are the expectations of my children. Claire and Alexander seem unable to grasp that having a stay-at-home dad is not the same as having a gainfully employed stay-at-home dad. Invariably they need to consult with me on any disagreement or matter that arises after returning home from their daily 2.5 hours of morning senior kindergarten.
  I imagined that a few words of wisdom from me would quickly settle them back to their routine with our caregiver10. However, I came to realize that resolving a dispute over the ownership of a particular pencil, of the 200 in our home, is akin to taking a case to the Supreme Court of Canada.11 It takes a lot of time, and any outcome can and will be appealed12.
  The fourth challenge, at first trivial but less so as time passed, is that my basement office, which was to be my sacrosanct work space, became a storage room.13 My real office (as everyone in my family calls it) at York University is a marvel of cleanliness and organization. My home office—which I suppose everyone saw as not being real—is now a warren of not-quite discarded or returned items: boxes of old books and clothes, long-forgotten toys, diseased plants, sports equipment and sundry unused or defective home-repair materials.14
  Claire and Alexander see the space as an extension15 of their playroom, especially suited for hide-and-seek, with the added feature of expensive electronic equipment.
  Over the months, I have met others working from home. We’ve crossed paths at the local coffee shop, seeking human contact after spending hours alone in our respective homes. From them, I learned different strategies.
  One is to act as though you are still working at the “real” office. Those who practise this approach dress in business attire in the morning, carry briefcases and use their BlackBerrys at all times, making it quite clear to everyone in their vicinity that “I’m working, so don’t bother me.”16 I tried to ask them if this strategy was effective with family members, like young children, but they’ve never given me the opportunity for such idle chatter17.
  Although appealing, for me this strategy takes away one of the biggest advantages of working from home. Before starting this arrangement, I had imagined a host of benefits including increased productivity, more flexibility and fewer interruptions.
  In reality, few advantages materialized other than being able to avoid commuting and spending less time on my personal appearance each morning.18 Therefore, I’m loath to switch from my old sweat pants and sneakers to a tie and suit,19 or to shave every day, in order to look like I’m working.
  Another strategy is to begin any conversation with “I’m working from home.” This ensures the listener, and everyone around, knows. I tried this, but found it had unintended consequences. The followup question is always, “What are you working on?” I reply that I am writing a scholarly book on retirement and pension policies in South Korea. This swiftly terminates any conversation and leaves me standing alone.20
  I’ll leave this approach for those writing—at home—the next blockbuster Hollywood screenplay.21
  The strategy I’ve settled on is what many others working at home also gravitate toward; namely, a vague and generic, “Well, you know, I’m doing some work at home.”22 Any follow-up questions are skillfully deflected by witty observations about the weather, politics or sports.23 This leaves a mysterious aura24 around my activities.
  Now that I’m preparing to return to my “real” office next week, the most important lesson I’ve learned is that when I’m next given the opportunity to work from home, I’ll make sure no one knows I’m working … from home.
  1. it’s cracked up to be: 像说的那样好,用于赞美某物。
  2. anticipate: 预料,预期。
  3. rake:(用耙子)耙拢;shovel: 铲,铲起。
  4. canvasser: 推销员。
  5. apprehension: 忧虑,不安。
  6. baffle: 使困惑,难倒。
  7. invariably: 总是,始终如一地;dread: 担心,害怕。
  8. assumption: 假设,假定;orchestrate: 精心策划;maintenance: 养护,维护。
  9. mandate: 要求。
  10. caregiver: 孩子的看管人。
  11. resolve: 解决;akin: 与……相似的。
  12. appeal: 上诉。
  13. trivial:微不足道的;basement:地下室;sacrosanct: 不可违背的,神圣不可侵犯的。
  14. warren: 拥挤的住处;discard: 丢弃,抛弃;sundry: 各种各样的;defective: 有毛病的,出故障的。
  15. extension: 延伸。
  16. attire: 衣着,穿着,服装;vicinity: 临近地区,附近。
  17. chatter: 唠叨,喋喋不休。
  18. materialize: 成为现实;commute: 上下班,通勤。
  19. loath: 不愿意的,厌恶的;switch: 转换,改变;sneaker: 运动鞋。
  20. swiftly: 迅速地;terminate: (使)终结,(使)停止。
  21. blockbuster: 轰动一时的东西(尤指电影、演出或小说);screenplay:电影剧本。
  22. gravitate: 受吸引,被吸引;generic:一般的,通用的。
  23. deflect: 转移;witty:风趣的。
  24. aura: 气氛,氛围。
Male-female conversation is cross-cultural communication. Culture is simply a network of habits and patterns gleaned from past experience, and women and men have different past experiences. From the t
2008年入手第一台佳能相机前,叨林就喜欢拿着手机和卡片机到处走走拍拍,入手单反后,更是爱不释手,带着它踏遍了大美河山。户外摄影,已然如毒药般渗进了叨林的生活,解不了,戒不掉……  医院手术总是一台接着一台,叨林还是利用休息间隙,用镜头定格手术室里的各种场景,在不打扰手术的情况下,抓拍护士医生手术时的细节。2013年,叨林接诊了一位爱摄影的病人,在以精湛的医术治愈了病人之后,他自己也因为为人称道的
阅读:一生的事业  你可曾观察过,中国人在乘坐地铁、公交、火车时习惯做什么来打发时间吗?大部分人都在低头拨弄手机、玩掌上游戏,或者跟周围的人高谈阔论。但是在英国,地铁里阅读是其一大特色,常常可以看到很多人神情专注,手不释卷。培根说过,读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。既然这样,我们就不应该丧失阅读能力。
触动与启发  2021年,户外行业将会显现一系列大的变化。从内容、产业、品牌、社交、商业模式,直至我们的户外生活,都将发生改变。  这种变化其实从几年前就已经开始产生,行业中很多人也注意到了,但大多仍习惯性地沿袭着原来的方式。  2019年开始,兴起了一种精致露营的玩儿法,这种类似“搬家式”的露营大多以“展示”和“炫”为主旨。有的玩家,搬家露营一次,动辄二三十万装备起步。起初这种露营方式并没有引起
A: How are you?  B: Fine. Thanks.    相信上面这段对话大家再熟悉不过,几乎所有初级英语教材的头几课里都会教到。但是,如果把B说的fine换成hunky-dory,估计就有很多人找不着北了。其实,hunky-dory就是fine、great的意思,只不过更活泼、更美式化一些,美国人经常使用。  为什么hunky-dory这个看起来和听起来都有几分怪的单词会表示fi
在澳大利亚的北领地、开着英国牌照的车、和一群德国人在野外风餐露宿了近一周,没电没水没信号,每天顶着40℃高温,说着英语、听着德语,在野爆了的各种小道上越着野、吃着灰、穿越一场场暴土扬尘。我还活着,就是五天没洗澡味道有点不太好……北领地的飞沙走石与咸水鳄  澳大利亚北领地,面积142万平方公里,只有区区20万人口;相形之下,北京仅有0.00085万平方公里的回龙观地区常住人口却有30万。南半球的那一
首先是年久的杜鹃花丛倒下,  尚未来得及以绯红盛开时的  羞涩一笑来申诉她们的案情。  随后一位雇工用本周最好的  鹤嘴锄和大砍刀来袭击绿篱。  男人们清理草坪,就像卷起  邻居厌烦的地毯,只剩尘土。  热爱“松软土层”的家伙们  相继到来,因这是佛罗里达。  普通的鬼针草,我要把你们  从院子里连根拔起,不管它  有多少裨益,我受够了种子  黏在袖口和裤脚上的灰印迹,  好似要纠正我着装上的错误
本奖项授予对户外影像领域有积极贡献以及影响力,并具有一定制作水准的原创户外短片作品,旨在推广户外新锐的拍摄意识与理念,鼓励原创影像,推动户外影像的发展。提名Nomination  《大何之路》  《Catch the Air》  《唯一的方向》  提名NOMINATION  《大何之路》  拍摄制作:王圣溥 阮任艺 李砥提名理由  阿尔金山自然保护区中的库木库里沙漠面积达1600平方公里,海拔高程
近日,国内第一家瑞士竞技滑雪学院Helveski Racing Academy在北京诺金酒店召开发布会,启动2018年的招生计划以及培训课程,并隆重地邀請了三位来自瑞士的嘉宾:瑞士第一枚奥运双板团体赛金牌得主、Helveski学员形象大使Daniel Yule,前瑞士高山滑雪青年队队员、哈佛大学毕业生Matthew Mansson,以及瑞士高山滑雪国家队队员、2018年欧洲杯小回转亚军Marc R