
来源 :人大法律评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xeabor1
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前言法律解释活动始终是人类法律生活的一个重要组成部分。事实上,任何法律在适用中都面临着解释的问题,解释是发现或利用法律的一项主要技艺。法律解释是法律得以实现的前提,抽象的法律规范只有通过解释者的解释才能变得实际有效,才能与复杂多变的现实相契合。正因为法律解释活动在法律实践中的这种重要地位,使它成为法理学所关注的一个课题,并逐渐形成专门化和独立化的学科,到了近代,更以自然科学的方法为楷模,发展出一套法律解释的方法和理论,遂为法学中的“显学”。在法律解释的领域,有关法律解释性质的争论贯穿了法律解释发展的始终。法律解释究竟是主观的还是客观的?对这个问题 Foreword Legal Interpretation Activities are always an important part of human legal life. In fact, any law faces the problem of interpretation in its application. Interpretation is one of the major techniques of discovering or using law. Legal interpretation is the prerequisite for the realization of law. Abstract legal norms can only become effective if they are interpreted by the interpreter in order to be compatible with the complex and changeable reality. It is precisely because of this important role of legal interpretation activities in legal practice that it has become a topic of concern to jurisprudence and has gradually become a specialized and independent discipline. In modern times, more natural science methods have been used as models to develop Out of a set of legal interpretation of the method and theory, then law in the “study”. In the field of legal interpretation, the debate about the nature of legal interpretation runs through the development of legal interpretation. Is the legal interpretation subjective or objective? To this question
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一对不孕夫妻因为试管婴儿手术失败,把医院告上法庭。专家称,此案暴露许多“空白”。 A pair of infertile couples because of IVF failure, the hospital was brought to
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近些年,“法律全球化”(Globalization of Law)在经济学界、法学界尤其是国际经济法学界被炒作得沸沸扬扬,许多学术著作、论文都采用、传播这一概念。在这种炒作中,倡导者利
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