
来源 :上海大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruannengjie
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The technique of non-stationary oil film force database for hydrodynamic bearing is introduced and its potential applications in nonlinear rotor-dynamics are demonstrated. Through simulations of the locus of the shaft center aided by the database technique, nonlinear stability analysis can be performed and the natural frequency can be obtained as well. The easiness of “assembling” the individual bush forces from the database to form the bearing force, makes it very convenient to evaluate the stability of various types of journal bearings. Examples are demonstrated to show how the database technique makes it possible to get technically abundant simulation results at the expense of very short calculation time.
从评价毒死蜱高效降解菌Hu-01(Cladosporium sp.)酶制剂的安全性技术出发,研究了毒死蜱残留降解酶制剂(以下简称酶制剂)对哺乳动物、生态环境和作物的安全性,评价了降解酶在生
The density and the refractive index for various compositions of heavy metal fluoride (HMF) glasses, used to make low-loss optical wave-guides, have been measur
冬瓜(Benincasa hispida(Thaunb.)Cogn.)原产我国南部和印度,目前在我国南北各地均有栽培,是夏秋季的主要蔬菜之一,对调节蔬菜淡季、保证周年供应起着非常重要的作用.冬瓜枯
Testing is a standard method for verification of software performance. Producing efficient and appropriate test case is an important aspect in testing. Specific
轮枝菌是一类分布广,寄主范围宽,形态变异大,对作物产量可造成巨大损失的一类真菌,有的轮枝菌如黑白轮枝菌(Verticillium albo-atrum)和大丽轮枝菌(Verticillium dahliae)还是我
本文应用 Griffing(1956)双列杂交方法的第一类设计方案,测定了柞蚕(Antheraea pernyi)4个品种的配合力。结果表明,柞蚕杂种后代的杂种优势是由两种配合力共同控制的;两种配