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  Xi‘an Sets to Build First-Class Hi-Tech Industrial Zone
  By our staff reporter
  Northwest China‘s Xi‘an City, capital of Shaanxi Province, has set for itself the target of developing into a high-tech development zone recognized as of internationally first-class by 2010.
  The hi-tech industrial zone, officially known as Xi‘an High and New Technology Industrial Development Zone, is China‘s APEC scientific and technological industrial base, according to Zhang Longhu, assistant mayor of Xi‘an City and director of Xi‘an High and New Technology Industrial Development Zone.
  It was recently listed by the Ministry of Science and Technology as one of the five model hi-tech industrial zones under the country‘s Tenth Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development (2001-2005), whose construction is to be completed by 2010.
  Solid Foundations
  Xi‘an is the largest hub of communications between east and west China and on the new "Eurasia Continental Bridge" - a network of railways starting at Lianyungang on Chian‘s east coast to European port cities on the Atlantic coast. It ranks the third in the country in terms of available scientific and technological resources. It serves as an important research, development and production base in the fields of machinery, electronics, aviation and aerospace, industrial and scientific apparatus and instruments, and is also a national defense production center.
  Meanwhile, Xi‘an is one of the largest and most important transportation, communications, information and financing centers in West China.
  Largest in West China
  After ten years of development, Xi‘an has basically built up a 12-sq.-km modern technological industrial zone with complete sets of facilities and performances. The Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone is now a part of the city proper, suggesting that it enjoys easy access to transport.
  So far, the industrial zone boasts a 120,000-gate telecommunication sub-office and three optical fiber circular networks, which are eligible to provide 10-100M optical fiber switch-in, ADSL switch-in and LAN switch-in services. And the Xi‘an Municipal Telecommunication Sub-Bureau has a network capacity of 100,000 terminal ports.
  On the basis of fine material conditions, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone strives to establish management systems and operation mechanisms in conformity to laws governing the development of the market economy and international practices, along with a technological innovation system. These are the most essential elements ensuring sustainable and rapid development of the industrial zone, says Zhang Longhu.
  With these favorable conditions, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone has boosted the development of technology-intensive enterprises. To date, it has established an innovation service center, which is actually a technological incubator with all main indexes ranking the first in the country; an investment and financing service system that helps enterprises have their needs met at the various stages of development; and an enterprise operation and management system; and a market-oriented logistics system.
  At present, the industrial zone has 14 financial agencies that all realize 100 percent collection and loan rates. Besides, it has 119 venture investment institutions with combined registered capital to the value of RMB2.12 billion yuan.
  According to Zhang Longhu, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone has developed into the largest technological industrial zone in the central and western parts of China. In the past three successive years, it has driven the GDP growth of Xi‘an by four percentage points, and been responsible for one third of the city‘s total economic growth.
  In the past ten years, the gross income of the industrial zone has grown 72 percent annually. In 2001, the annual income of technological and industrial production and trade reached RMB35.72 billion yuan, including industrial gross earnings to the value of RMB25.16 billion yuan. During the period, the three leading industries in the zone, namely, electronic information, optical-mechanical-electronic integration have grown exceptionally fast along with the bio-pharmaceutical industry.
  It is expected that in 2005, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone shall build into a 34-sq-km highly efficient and environment friendly modern scientific and technological town with 300,000 employees.
  Wireless Communications Giant
  Thanks to the fast expansion in the past ten years, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone is now home to a number of industrial parks. These include the state-level Software Industrial Park, West China Information Industrial Base, Photoelectron Technological Industrial Park, Biological Engineering Technological Industrial Park, and New Material Technological Industrial Park. At present, it is preparing to establish the Xi‘an Wireless Communication Technological Park, which is now busy for business invitation.
  Compared with other cities in the country, Xi‘an is particularly known for its most powerful technological strength, integral industrial chains and fairly large business scales in the field of wireless communications. It has seven research institutes under the Ministry of Information Industry and the China National Aerospace Industry Group Corporation, including the Radio Spectrum Management Research Institute, which is the only one of its kind in the country. And it has a number of universities and institutes that top the country in terms of wireless communications, including Xi‘an Jiaotong University and Northwest China Industrial University. Besides, the city has five state-level labs and engineering research centers, including national digital cordless phone engineering center and national key lab of microwave communication. So far, Xi‘an has established an integral industrial chain from chip design and development to components and parts production, installation, shakedown tests, and equipment delivery. And it has large pool of talents. With such conveniences on hand, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone has also become a fairly influential industrial base in the wireless communications sector in the country.
  According to Zhang Longhu, Xi‘an Wireless Communication Technological Park will establish a number of centers for trades of wireless technologies and products, technological supports, domestic market promotion and direct investment promotion from both home and abroad. In the meantime, the park will provide multiple professional services, including frequency spectrum research and consultation and equipment tests.
  In addition, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone plans to build itself into an industrial center of wireless communications, including mobile communications, microwave communications, and satellite communications. They include production of special-purpose high-frequency chips; apparatuses and components of antennae, passive devices and ODU; systems and devices of mobile phones and wireless broad-band switch-in system; and technological installation of flush-type and service software products and wireless communication facilities. With such blueprints, the industrial zone expects to attract more foreign investments.
  According to Zhang Longhu, Xi‘an Hi-Tech Industrial Zone is most famous for its practices of applying completely new mechanism to integrate advantageous technological resources of Xi‘an to build up professional parks. Many of these parks are established or led by academicians of China Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Engineering, which are expected to play key roles in boosting the industrial zone into an internationally first-class industrial base.
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