这是一个年轻充满朝气的大型现代化企业,从它的筹资兴建到高标投产只有短短的六年时间。弹指一挥间,奇迹就这样发生了,中国第一座年设计能力500万吨的大型煤炭企业巍然屹立在世界的东方。 它是国家“八五”期间重点工程项目,是国内第一座立井开拓年设计能力500万吨的现代化矿井,服务年限81年,概算总投资42.7亿元,井田面积110余平方公里,地质储量8.8亿吨,可采储量5.3亿吨。它坐落在济宁市郊,微山湖畔。碧水环绕,绿树掩映,湖光
This is a large, young, modern enterprise that has been full of vigor and vitality. From its fund-raising and high-standard operation to production, it has only been a short period of six years. The miracle happened just like this. China’s first large-scale coal enterprise with an annual design capacity of 5 million tons stands tall in the east of the world. It is the national key project during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period and is the first domestic shaft to open up a modern mine with annual design capacity of 5 million tons. The service life is 81 years. The estimated total investment is 4.27 billion yuan, and the well field covers 110 square kilometers. 880 million tons, recoverable reserves of 530 million tons. It is located in the outskirts of Jining City, on the bank of Weishan Lake. Surrounded by clear water, shaded by trees, lake light