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1992年12月15日,北京。科海创始人陈庆振从人大常委会副委员长雷洁琼手中接过第三届科技实业家创业奖金奖。此时的陈庆振激动不已,他说:“科海经过若干年发展,一定要跻身世界第一流高技术企业行列里边去。”“我们要用第一流的技术,第一流的产品,为世界经济服务。”他接着说:“我们目前正在和世界各地的企业进行广泛的接触,我们要跟世界各地的企业进行联合,经过优势互补,形成一个非常有竞争力的联 December 15, 1992, Beijing. Chen Qingzhen, the founder of Kehai, took the 3rd Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Award of Science and Technology from the hands of Lei Jieqiong, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee. At this moment, Chen Qingzhen was very excited. He said: “After several years of development, Kehai must rank among the top-ranking high-tech enterprises in the world.” “We will use first-class technology and first-rate products to serve the world economy ”He went on to say:" We are currently engaged in extensive contacts with businesses around the world. We want to join forces with businesses from all over the world and complement each other to form a very competitive association.
热性惊厥(Febrile Convulsion,FC)患儿复发的危险因素各家报道不一。为了进一步探讨 FC 患儿复发的相关因素,我们只挑选因首次 FC 发作而就诊住院的患儿,对复发情况进行5至8
由人微小病毒 B_(19)感染发生急性造血功能停滞,国内报告尚少。我院于1992年5月至1993年6月共收治6例,现报告如下。1 临床资料6例均为男性,年龄8个月~10岁,均以发热为首发症
今年6月他随费城交响乐团首次来北京人民大会堂演出。之后,先回母校看望师长,并进行讲学和示范表演。他的师弟、师妹们对他的评价是:“太棒了,没得说。” In June this year, he
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Tau hyperphosphorylation is a main cause of neuronal loss in Alzheimer’s disease,which can be caused by many factors,including oxidative stress.The multifuncti
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