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18 4 7年 6月共产主义者同盟的建立和 1 848年 2月《共产党宣言》的发表 ,标志着世界共产主义运动的兴起和马克思主义科学社会主义的诞生。 1 50多年来 ,科学社会主义的发展与世界共产主义运动的发展构成了一个互动的历史进程。在这一历史进程中 ,科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动也逐步发展成为一个十分重要的学科。 2 0世纪 80年代末 90年代初的苏联东欧剧变 ,使世界社会主义、共产主义运动遭到有史以来最为严重的挫折 ,学科建设与发展受到严重冲击。十余年过去了 ,苏东剧变的尘埃已经落定 ,但在这一学科领域 ,需要研究的问题比以往更多 ,需要投入的精力更大。 2 0 0 4年 1月 5日 ,中共中央发表了《关于进一步繁荣发展哲学社会科学的意见》,强调“要按照巩固、调整、发展的原则 ,加强传统学科建设 ,使传统学科增强活力 ,适应时代的发展”。为贯彻落实中央的这一指示精神 ,我们以“科学社会主义与国际共运基础理论和基本问题研究”为主题 ,约请中共中央编译局季正矩、北京大学孔寒冰、中国人民大学向文华、华中师范大学唐鸣和王建国、聊城大学林建华和张祥云等知名学者 ,分别从治学态度、治学方法、对具体问题研究的证举等不同路径切入进行阐释 ,以期在推进科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动基础理论和基? The founding of the Communist League and the publication of the Communist Manifesto in February 848 in April of 1974, marked the rise of the world communist movement and the birth of Marxist scientific socialism. For more than 50 years, the development of scientific socialism has taken an interactive historical course with the development of the world communist movement. In this historical process, scientific socialism and the international communist movement have also gradually developed into a very important discipline. The drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s made the world socialist and communist movement suffer the most serious setback in history and seriously affected the discipline construction and development. More than a decade later, the dust of the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and East Europe have been settled. However, more issues need to be studied in this subject area and more energy needs to be invested. On January 5, 2004, the CPC Central Committee issued the Opinions on Further Prospering Philosophy and Social Science, stressing that “we should strengthen the building of traditional disciplines in accordance with the principles of consolidation, readjustment and development so as to enhance the vitality and adaptation of traditional disciplines The development of the times. ” In order to carry out the spirit of this directive from the Central Government, we invite Jizheng Ji, the compilation and translation bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Kong Hanbing at Peking University, Xiang Wenhua at Renmin University of China on the theme of "Studies on the Basic Theoretical and Basic Issues of Scientific Socialism and International Communism, Famous scholars such as Tang Ming and Wang Jianguo from Huazhong Normal University, Lin Jianhua and Zhang Xiangyun from Liaocheng University explained their different paths from their scholarship, methods of study and proof of specific issues, with a view to promoting scientific socialism and international communism Basic theory of movement and base?
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