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开始的时候,都只是一个由游乐场机动游戏启发的故事。而且海盗这个题材,在好莱坞早已算是死了,没有人看好。出人意料的是,4年前面世的《加勒比海盗》第一集,成功不但在于票房,还获奥斯卡提名。而去年上映的第二集,除在美国打破最快突破一亿美元收入的纪录之外,还成为史上票房最高电影的第三位,冲击票房经典《魔戒》和《泰坦尼克号》。《加勒比海盗》三部曲之中的第二部《加勒比海盗:亡灵宝藏》(Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man’s Chest)去年暑期全球同步公映,成为去年年度最卖座电影,全球票房收入逾十亿美元。两集《加勒比海盗》加起来,已收得17亿美元;第三集完结篇,将会为这个系列再下一城。故事始终未完,尚有不少问题需要解决和交待;然而除了故事之外,《加勒比海盗》系列深得人心的倒是天衣无缝的特技、紧张刺激的动作、无伤大雅的笑料和约翰尼·德普的演出。在三部曲中完结篇《加勒比海盗3:世界尽头》(Pirates of the Caribbean:At World’s End)里,制作人把这些元素都会再推动一步,约翰尼·德普还把杰克船长这个深受爱戴的角色演得性格分裂,更与周润发大斗演技。 In the beginning, it was just a story inspired by the playground game. And pirates this theme, already considered dead in Hollywood, no one optimistic. Surprisingly, the first episode of Pirates of the Caribbean, released four years ago, was not only at the box office but also at the Oscars. The second episode released last year, in addition to breaking the fastest record in the United States exceeded 100 million US dollars in revenue, but also become the third highest grossing film box office hit the box office classic “Lord of the Rings” and “Titanic.” Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, the second in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” trilogy, was released worldwide last summer as the top grossing movie of last year with more than a billion dollars worldwide in box office revenue . The two episodes of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” together, has received 1.7 billion US dollars; third episode finished, will be another series for this series. The story has not finished, there are still many problems need to be addressed and accountability; However, in addition to the story, the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series is very popular hearts and minds of the stunt, thrilling movements, harmonica jokes and Johnny Depp performances. In the ending of the trilogy, “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End,” producers take these elements one step further. Johnny Depp also loves Captain Jack deeply The role played split personality, but also with Chow Yun Fat fighting performance.
如果用口语描述的话,秦腔的字面意思就是陕西腔,但事实上不能这样理解。秦腔形成于中国明代中期,曾受昆腔、弋腔、县城阳腔的影响,以梆子击节,音调高亢、激越, If colloqui
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香港武侠小说作家金庸近日已通过剑桥大学硕士论文答辩,即将拿到硕士学位。正在香港度假的他大约一个月后将再赴伦敦,继续花3年时间攻读博士学位。 Hong Kong martial arts