
来源 :河南医学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingyu9404
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依照人胸腺激素具有可诱导、促进人 T 淋巴细胞分化发育及至成熟的功能和原理,应用 E-花结(E-Rosette)形成试验来鉴定并检测其生物学活性。人 T 细胞表面有与羊红细胞(SRBC)结合的受体(E-受体)即 CD_2抗原,亦称谓 T_1,或 Leu5抗原。用于检测人 T 细胞所测得的 E-花结数为总(total)花结(Et),代表其成熟的全部 T 细胞。当人胸腺素 F_4,组份稀释至0.01μg/ml 蛋白含量时,仍表现有明显的生物活性,其可表现有活性所需的最低蛋白浓度是动物(猪或小牛)胸腺素的1/50~1/10,这表明前者所表现的生物活性比后者要高许多,可能系活性蛋白质来源的不同或作用于人 T 细胞分化、发育表现有“种属特异性”。测定活性的试验中还发现人胸腺激素在某一低浓度范围内,其对T 细胞有促进作用,呈正相关性,若超过了此阈值,反而呈现抑制作用。人胸腺激素的此种生物活性的双向调节作用,在机体的免疫调节机制中有重要的生物学意义。 In accordance with the function and principle of human thymocyte hormones that can induce and promote the differentiation and development of human T lymphocytes, the E-Rosette formation assay is used to identify and detect its biological activity. On the surface of human T cells, there is a receptor (E-receptor) that binds to red blood cells (SRBC), namely, CD-2 antigen, which is also referred to as T1, or Leu5 antigen. The number of E-heddings measured for human T cells was the total rosette (Et), representing all of the mature T cells. When human thymosin F_4 is diluted to a protein content of 0.01 μg/ml, it still shows significant biological activity. The minimum protein concentration required for its activity is 1/1 of animal (porcine or calf) thymosin. 50 to 1/10, indicating that the former showed much higher biological activity than the latter, which may be different from the source of active protein or act on the differentiation and developmental performance of human T cells with species-specificity. In assays that measured activity, it was also found that human thymosin has a positive correlation with T cells in a certain low concentration range, and if it exceeds this threshold, it exhibits inhibitory effects. The bidirectional regulation of this biological activity of human thymus hormone has important biological significance in the body’s immune regulation mechanism.
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熊小猫同学某天路过星期五。店时突然看到了小熊姐姐新淘到滴宝贝儿们~~迫不及待就抱了回家~~这个韩国布艺真的很流行咯~~嘿嘿~~来看制作过程吧~0(∩_∩)0哈哈~Ps.小熊姐姐最近的口 On
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