
来源 :高中数学教与学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuligen
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前苏联著名数学教育家A.A.斯托利亚尔曾说过:“数学教学可以表示一种思维活动,或者表示这种活动的结果——理论.”数学从微观上看是一种思维活动,数学教育是思维的教育;从宏观上看,又是一种文化,一种观念系统,数学教育是数学文化的教育.本节课的教学内容“数学归纳法”是典型的三段论,看似简单而机械,学生掌握其证明步骤不难,靠模仿就可以习得,但其中蕴含的重要的数学思想和极大的数学价值,是不容 AA Stallar, a famous former mathematic educator in the former Soviet Union, once said: “Mathematics teaching can represent a kind of thinking activity or result of such an activity - theory.” Mathematics is a thinking activity at the microscopic level , Mathematics education is the education of thinking, macroscopically, it is also a kind of culture and a kind of concept system, and mathematics education is the education of mathematics culture.The teaching content of this lesson “mathematical induction ” is a typical syllogism, Seemingly simple and mechanical, students grasp the steps of its certification is not difficult, you can learn by imitation, but which contains important mathematical ideas and great mathematical value is not allowed
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