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记述了最近采自泥河湾早更新世地层中的真马化石,新发现完全证实了中国学者对黄河马Equus huanghoensis的合理推断.主要材料包括:一件包括完整的上下齿列的比较完整的雄性个体头骨及其下颌骨标本,一件雌性个体头骨残部连带下颌残部;另有一件属于Equus未定种的第三掌骨材料.化石采自泥河湾扬水站剖面,时代为1.6 Ma的更新世早期.黄河马新材料除验证早先定种的牙齿较大、原尖较短、原脊、后脊倾斜等部分特征以外,还展示出头骨长大、枕孔上隆发育、五边形枕面、马刺很弱、褶皱简单等一系列与其他马类有显著区别的新特点.第三掌骨材料经对比与产自甘肃庆阳的庆阳马的特征较为接近. The recent discovery of the true horse fossils from the Early Pleistocene strata in the Nihewan Basin completely confirms the reasonable inference of Chinese scholars on Equus huanghoensis. The main materials include: a relatively complete Male individual skulls and their mandible specimens, one females skull remnant with mandibular remnant, and a third metacarpal material belonging to the undetermined species of Equus fossil from the section of the Nihewan pumping station dating from 1.6 Ma early Pleistocene In addition to verify the new materials of the Yellow River hippocampus previously fixed Species larger teeth, the original point is short, the original ridge, ridge and other features after the tilt, but also shows the skull growth, pillow hole uplift, pentagonal pillow surface, Spur is very weak, simple folds and a series of new features that are significantly different from other horses.The third metacarpal material by comparison with Qingyang horses produced in Qingyang, Gansu characteristics are relatively close.
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