“民告官”:是一种监督,更是一种保护 中国人民大学教授、博士生导师莫于川谈《行政诉讼法》修改

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3月25日晚7时,杭州市政府突然召开新闻发布会,宣布从次日零时起,在杭州买车上牌,需要先通过摇号或者竞拍的方式取得号牌指标。然而,此前杭州市政府有关部门曾多次,甚至就在召开新闻发布会的当天上午,还在对限牌一事进行辟谣。杭州市政府该项举措引起了公众的广泛争议,对于法律、法规和规章以外的规范性文件,即通常我们俗称的“红头文件”的合法性审查问题也因此进入人们的视野。据悉,截至目前,浙江省政府法制办共收到3起对“限牌令”的合法性审查申请。但是,对于 At 7 pm on March 25, the Hangzhou Municipal Government suddenly held a press conference announcing that from 0:00 on the next day, buying a car in Hangzhou requires obtaining a plate number index through a lottery or auction. However, prior to the Hangzhou municipal government departments have repeatedly, even in the morning of the press conference held the morning, still on the issue of limit card rumor. The Hangzhou government’s initiative has aroused widespread public controversy. Therefore, the legitimacy of the normative documents other than laws, rules and regulations, commonly known as “red tapes,” has also come into view. It is reported that, as of now, the Zhejiang Provincial Government Legislative Affairs Office received a total of 3 “” limit order "of the legality review application. But for that
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