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菌核病是油菜的一种主要病害,对其产量的影响一般在二成左右,严重的达五成以上。秦油2号是陕西省农垦科教中心培育的一个杂交油菜种,由于产量优势强,近几年种植面积迅速扩大。现已见到的品种介绍和引种示范报道都介绍该品种比其它品种感菌核病轻,菌核病对产量影响小,认为是属“耐菌核病”品种。1986年秋我站引进种植6.5亩。根据我市植保站的预报,本地1987年油菜菌核病为偏重发生年,4月6日同等类型田块甘油5号病株率已高达83.4%,而秦油2号只有2.5%,只有植株底部叶片有少量病斑。4月15日秦油2号进入花末期,甘油5号基秆侵入率已达22.4%,而秦油2号基杆上还未发现病斑,于是忽视了防治。然而在5月6日我们发现秦油2号平均46.97%的茎秆已被菌核病菌侵入为害,茎秆为害株率比感病品种甘油5号还重0.43%,严重的高达66.67%。这说明秦油2号虽有一定的抗耐病能力,但若不注意防治,仍会造成较大的损失。 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a major disease, its impact on the yield is generally about 20%, a serious up to 50%. QinYu No.2 is a hybrid rapeseed cultivate cultivated in Shaanxi Province Science and Education Center. Due to its superior yield, the planting area has rapidly expanded in recent years. Now we have seen the species introduction and introduction of demonstration reports have introduced the varieties than other varieties of susceptible strains of sclerosis, Sclerotinia production on the impact of small, that is a “resistant sclerotinia” varieties. Autumn 1986 I plant 6.5 acres of planting. According to the prediction of the plant protection station in our city, the local 1987 sclerotinia sclerotiorum occurred year on year. On April 6, the rate of strain 5 on the same type of field plots was as high as 83.4%, while that of QinYou 2 was only 2.5%. Only plants Bottom leaves a small amount of lesions. On April 15, Qinyou 2 entered the late flowering stage, the penetration rate of glycerol 5 base stem reached 22.4%, while no spot was found on the base rod of Qinyou No.2, so it ignored the control measures. However, on May 6, we found that on average, 46.97% of the stalks of Qinyou No.2 were invaded by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and the rate of stalk damage was 0.43% heavier than that of the susceptible variety Glycerin 5, which was as high as 66.67%. This shows that although there is a certain number of Qin oil resistance to disease resistance, but if you do not pay attention to prevention and treatment, will still cause greater losses.
目的 探讨位于前列腺及其周围区域盆筋膜层内的神经网络较确切解剖定位和神经纤维的数目分布.方法 使用6具盆腔结构正常的男性尸体,每具尸体取10处邻近前列腺周围的盆筋膜组
摘 要:利用信息技术手段服务于终身教育体系,真正为全区市民提供优质教育,是推进社区教育的一个必要且重要的途径和手段。在打造数字化学习平台的同时,要凸现本土人文特色,建设数字化学习资源;夯实组织基础,加强数字化学习宣传和辅导;建立数字化学习社区的培训、绩效考评机制。把社区学院教育资源共享平台建设成为功能完备、资源丰富、服务高效、指导有力的为全区社区教育服务的学习中心、资源中心、信息中心和交流中心。 
杂交早稻是我省水稻生产中开辟的一条新途径,它突破了“北纬二十八度‘禁区’”。论,跨进洞庭湖,在我省江南、江北双季稻区蓬勃发展,展示了广阔的前景。 发展杂交早稻,将有
目的 感觉异常性股痛(MP)常由股外侧皮神经(LFCN)的机械嵌压引起,通常发生在股外侧皮神经走行至髂前上棘的部位.MP最佳手术治疗方法有待确定,部分原因是LFCN周围筋膜平面的精
并不是每个影友都有时间和精力在拍摄时等待最佳的天气出现。而通过后期的合理调整,完全可以改变照片中天气带来的不良影响。下面,《数码摄影》将告诉你,如何用 Photoshop 改
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