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科学技术是生产力中最活跃、最革命、最主要的因素,是“第一生产力”,科学技术进步是推动经济和社会发展的决定性力量。随着科学技术日新月异的发展,知识社会的来临,一方面,科技自身发展呈现出一系列新的特点和新的规律;另一方面,科技与教育、科技与经济、科技与社会等之间的关系发生了深刻的变化,因此,与时俱进,对科技宏观管理体制进行改革与创新成为我国科技发展的必然要求和客观规律。目前,世界各国都十分重视对国家科技宏观管理体制进行改革与创新,针对各自的国情,在其各类科技政策、规划(计划)中明确提出科技宏观管理体制改革与创新的方向、目标、任务和措施,把推进科技宏观管理体制改革与创新作为实现科技大发展的战略性举措,作为具体落实科技政策、规划(计划)的组织保障和支撑条件。例如,日本成立科技最高决策与咨询机构一-内阁“综合科学技术会议”,合并文部省与科学省,成立文部科学省,并对科技宏观管理部门进行明确的职责定位。德国对新联邦州(原东德地区)科技体制进行全面、彻底的市场化改革,对国家大型科研中心进行战略性调整和重组。韩国成立7由总统任委员长的“国家科学技术委员会”,推进科技体系由“强势政府”主导向“全面市场化”为主导的方向转变。俄罗斯也加紧对其过去计划经济时期形成的科技体制进行改革与创新,明确国家主要科技活动主体的功能和职责。针对中国国情,我们认为在《2006-2020年国家中长期科学和技术发展规划》中,科技宏观管理体制的改革与创新应占非常重要的地位,其改革与创新的总体目标、思想和思路应体现于“两个加强、三个转变,四个结合”。“两个加强”是指:(1)通过改革与创新有效地加强政府对科技发展的宏观调控能力;(2)通过改革与创新迅速加强企业作为科技创新的主体地位。“三个转变”是指;(1)实现由注重对科技微观活动主体的体制改革向重视对科技宏观管理体制顶层设计的转变;(2)实现由注重直接的科技项目管理向重视间接的宏观科技政策和科技计划管理的转变;(5)实现由注重局部改革、部门改革的单项体制突破向重视综合改革、整体改革的全面推进体制创新的转变。“四个结合”是指:(1)促进“军民结合”,实现军民科技体制的有机融合;(2)推进“科技与教育结合”,通过建设研究大学和教育型科技基地,实现科技创新与人才培养之问的双向互动和一体化;(3)强化 Science and technology are the most active, the most revolutionary and the most important factor in productivity. They are the “primary productive forces.” Science and technology are the decisive forces in promoting economic and social development. With the rapid development of science and technology and the advent of a knowledge-based society, on the one hand, the development of science and technology itself presents a series of new features and new laws; on the other hand, science and technology and education, science and technology and economy, science and technology and society Therefore, advancing with the times and reforming and innovating the macroscopic management system of science and technology have become the inevitable requirements and objective laws for the development of science and technology in our country. At present, all countries in the world attach great importance to the reform and innovation of the national macro-management system for science and technology. They have clearly pointed out the direction, objectives and tasks for the reform and innovation in the macro-management system of science and technology in all kinds of science and technology policies and plans (plans) in light of their respective national conditions. And measures to promote the reform and innovation of the macro-management system of science and technology as a strategic move to realize the great development of science and technology as the organizational guarantee and supportive condition for the concrete implementation of science and technology policies and plans (plans). For example, Japan has set up a “scientific and technological conference for comprehensive science and technology” at the cabinet, the highest science and technology decision-making and advisory body, merged the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and defined the responsibilities of science and technology departments. Germany conducted a comprehensive and thorough market-based reform of the science and technology system in the new federal state (formerly East Germany), and strategically adjusted and reorganized the country’s large-scale scientific research centers. Korea to Establish 7 “National Science and Technology Commission”, chaired by the president, to promote the transformation of the science and technology system from “strong government” to “full market-oriented”. Russia also stepped up its reform and innovation of the science and technology system formed in the past planned economy period and clarified the functions and responsibilities of the main scientific and technological activities of the country. In view of China’s national conditions, we believe that the reform and innovation of the macro-management system of science and technology should play a very important role in the “2006-2050 National Medium and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development Plan.” The overall goals, thinking and thinking of the reform and innovation should be Reflected in the “two strengthened, three changes, four combinations.” “Two strengthening” refers to: (1) effectively strengthening the government’s macro-control capability for science and technology development through reform and innovation; (2) rapidly strengthening enterprises as the dominant status of science and technology innovation through reform and innovation. “Three changes” mean: (1) realizing the transformation from paying attention to the system reform of the subject of microscopic activities of science and technology to attaching importance to the top-level design of the science and technology macro management system; (2) realizing the transformation from focusing on direct management of science and technology projects to attaching importance to indirect macroeconomic (5) Realization of the transition from a single institutional breakthrough focusing on local reforms and departmental reforms to comprehensively promoting comprehensive innovation and overall reform to promote institutional innovation. “Four combinations” refers to: (1) promoting “military-civilian combination” and realizing the organic integration of military and civilian scientific and technological systems; (2) promoting the integration of science and technology and education; and building a research university and an educational science and technology base to achieve technological innovation and Personnel training question two-way interaction and integration; (3) strengthen
三、缺锌的诊断及锌肥施用方法(一)缺锌的诊断为了矫正土壤和植物缺锌,首先要进行诊断。缺锌的诊断方法主要有以下几种:形态诊断,即 Third, the diagnosis of zinc deficie