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2000年6月28日下午6点37分,“清华一号”微小卫星顺利升空。从俄北部普列谢茨克航天发射现场传回消息说,卫星已正确进入700公里太阳同步轨道。目前,清华大学卫星地面站已经成功实现对“清华一号”的信号捕获和软件上载,卫星运行状态良好,姿态调整等工作将陆续进行。“清华一号”是清华大学、中国航天机电集团公司与英国萨瑞大学联合研制的微小卫星,重50公斤,主要应用于通讯、遥感和科学实验等。 At 6:37 pm on June 28, 2000, the “Tsinghua One” miniature satellite was successfully launched. From the Plesetsk space launch site in North and North Russia, it was reported that the satellite has correctly entered the 700-km solar synchronous orbit. At present, the satellite ground station at Tsinghua University has succeeded in signal acquisition and software upload to “Tsinghua One” and the operation status of the satellite is good and the attitude adjustment will be carried out one after another. “Tsinghua One ” is a tiny satellite jointly developed by Tsinghua University, China Aerospace Electromechanical Corporation and Surrey University, weighing 50 kg, mainly used in communications, remote sensing and scientific experiments.
0 IntroductionInsects use their wings to provide lifting, propulsive and control forces for their flight. Forthese purposes the wings must frequently change dir
完善了文献 [1 ]P1 45~P1 51中的一些结果。 Perfected some of the results in [1] P1 45 ~ P1 51.
在法国政府决定不向织女星火箭计划投资之后 ,意大利航天局 (ASI)决心在没有欧空局的帮助的情况下继续研制这种小型运载火箭。意大利航天局局长 Sergio De Julio称 ,法国的决
AL-31F是一种推重比为8一级的加力式涡扇发动机。目前,留里卡设计局在该发动机基础上研制了带推力矢量喷管的 AL-31FP发动机,并用在苏-37和苏-30MK飞机上,这使两种飞机达到了较好的超机动性 The AL-31
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北京时间 6月 2 5日 1 9时 50分 ,中国运载火箭技术研究院研制的长征三号火箭从西昌卫星发射中心点火起飞 ,成功地把风云二号气象卫星送入太空。火箭起飞后 2 3min44s,星箭顺