
来源 :现代口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herewe
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本科采用带桩钉牙根再植的方法,成功2例,报告如下: 例1 吴某,男,16岁,因上体育课不慎将上颌两枚门牙跌落,立即来就诊,检查:上唇稍肿胀,(?)脱落缺失,牙冠3/4已断离。牙 Undergraduate with rooted replantation method with the nail, the successful two cases, the report is as follows: Example 1 Wu, male, 16 years old, due to the upper physical education class accidental fall of the maxillary two front teeth, come to the clinic, check: upper lip slightly swollen , (?) Loss of missing, 3/4 of the crown has been off. tooth
一、本索引包括1989年《现代口腔医学杂志》1、4期全年目二、每题注明作者,页数,如王植三。121,余类推。 口腔峨面部解创学、组织学饭内动脉皿皿段解剖学洲t及其临床t义…赵
在计算教学中,学生往往有着丰富的生活经验、知识经验和方法经验。激活学生的已有经验,让知识生根;组织有效的探索活动,让知识发芽;提高练习的有效性,让知识成长。 In compu
In this study an observation of244 eyes of 112 cases was made ongonioscopy. The resulis showred theoccurrence of wide angle was 92.2%,accounting for the majori
According to our paper its the firsttime to establish and use the 31 itemsof intellengence test. The investigationof 2211 normal infants was made inJiamusi are
师:今天我们玩角色游戏。你们看,谁来了?(蔡老师背一大包进教室) 幼:蔡老师来了。师:蔡老师,你背这么个大包,要到什么地方去呀? 蔡:我到北京旅游去。请小朋友帮我想个办法,
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