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一、物资系统经济效益现状 1989年以来,物资系统经济效益不断下降。1989年利润总额比1988年下降16.12%,1990年利润净额又比上年下降41.8%。1991年1—3季度虽然物资购进以23.4%、销售以24.1%的高速度增长,但却出现购销与效益增长不同步,物资系统利润净额反而继续下降3.2%。这与“六五”时期物资购进平均递增17.8%、销售平均递增19.4%及利润平均(1982—1985年平均)递增37.7%形成鲜明反差。 First, the economic status quo of materials and systems Since 1989, the economic benefits of materials and systems have been declining. The total profit in 1989 dropped by 16.12% from that in 1988, and the net profit in 1990 dropped by 41.8% from the previous year. In the first three quarters of 1991, although the purchase of materials was increased by 23.4% and the sales increased by 24.1%, the purchase and sales were out of sync with the increase in profits, while the net profit of the system of goods and goods went down by 3.2%. This contrasts sharply with an increase of 17.8% on average in the period of the 6th “Five-Year Plan” period, an average increase of 19.4% in sales and an average increase in profits of 37.7% on average (1982-1985).
In order to optimize the Castex process of AS wire, the systematic experiments have been done for differed process parameters with self-made DZJ-II 350 Castex
介绍了砂带磨削的发展及其特点 ,阐述了砂带磨削装置的基本构造及在阀门生产中的应用 ,并提出了应注意的事项。 The development and characteristics of abrasive belt gri
国营大中型企业是整个国民经济发展重要的稳定器和推进器。搞活国营大中型企业,增强其经济活力,就经济运行机制而言,关键在于推进国营大中型企业的计划与市场的有机结合。 (
Debris flows in essence are the process of mass transportation controlled by the constitution featured by a wide-ranged distribution of grain size. Debris-flow
金额单位:万美元┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━┳━━━━━━┳━━━━━┳━━━━━━┳━━━━━━┓┃ ┃计量 ┃ ┃ ┃比去年F ┃。期±% ┃┃ 商品名
近年来 ,由于冷成型技术、焊接技术和无损探伤技术的发展 ,也促进焊接钢管的发展正在向高速、高效、高质量和省工序方向发展 ,作为最后工序移动式切断机也必须满足焊管切断要
20 0 1年 6月 15日 - 17日 ,海恩锯业有限公司成功地举办了“日照海恩国际金刚石圆锯片应力研讨会” ,出席会议的人员有来自国内外 5 0多个厂家共 80多名专家和代表。在这次