
来源 :中国文化产业评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyyj
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文化创意产业是一种通过对知识资源的开发、利用而延伸出无穷无尽的新产品、新市场、新机会,进而推动社会经济发展的行业。每一个文化产品都是或大或小的创意结晶。文化产业的核心就是创意。作为当代西方具有弥散性影响的文化哲学,哲学解释学的思想已经深刻地渗透到人文学科、社会科学的诸多领域。本文将把文化产业中的创意置于哲学解释学视阈中,解码创意,探寻创意空间,以推动文化产业的发展。 The cultural and creative industry is an industry that extends endless new products, new markets and new opportunities through the development and utilization of knowledge resources to promote social and economic development. Each cultural product is a creative big or small. The core of the cultural industry is creativity. As a cultural philosophy with diffuse influence in the contemporary West, the philosophy of philosophical hermeneutics has penetrated deeply into many fields of humanities and social sciences. This article will put the creative ideas in the cultural industry in the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics, decoding ideas and exploring the creative space to promote the development of cultural industries.
<正> 半自由待遇制度被视作是对剥夺自由刑的一种改革,正越来越引起刑罚界的重视。当代刑罚政策正在寻求着以开放式待遇代替单纯监禁,以其它惩罚代替剥夺自由刑。在各国刑罚立法中,代替剥夺自由刑的各种手段正在不断地发展着。半自由制度就是从有关监禁惩罚法规的改革中,更准确地说,是从封闭式处遇到开放式处遇的改革中发展而来的。所谓半自由待遇,就是服刑者白天可在不属监狱管辖的社会企业中工作,而晚上必须回到监
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