张爱玲成名之时,亦正是潘汉年等在沪上孤岛驰骋之日。盖抗战前上海文艺界,原为左联之天下。潘汉年是有共产党籍的左翼作家也。左联在中国新文学史上地位如何,姑置不论,但在左圈内外的作者读者,都是些有使命感的青中年则无疑也。他们对当时社会之不平(social injustice)有其敏感。对帝国主义尤其是日寇之侵我,更有其报国与愤恨之心。形之笔墨,也就是太史公所说的“发愤之所作也”。总之,他们都是一群不能安心于醉生梦死生活的青年人和中年人。他们心中虽未能忘掉自己;但是他们心中也有苦难的社会,衰弱的国家,和不平的人类。个人虽无力回天,但总不能忘情于身
Zhang Ailing fame, it is also Pan Hannian and other islands in Shanghai on the day of gallop. Cover before the Anti-Japanese Shanghai literary and arts circles, the original world of the League of Leftists. Pan Hannian is also a left-wing writer with Communist Party too. The position of the Leftist Association in the history of Chinese new literature does not matter, but readers of both the inside and outside of the left circle are some of the young middle-aged who have a sense of mission. They were sensitive to the social injustice of the time. The invasion of imperialism, especially by the Japanese invaders, has its heart to serve the country and indignation. Form of ink, that is, Taishi Gong said “made by the angry also ”. In short, they are a group of young and middle-aged people who can not be reassured with their dream life. Although they have not forgotten themselves in their hearts, they also have afflicted societies, debilitating nations, and uneasy human beings. Although individuals are unable to return to heaven, but always can not forget about themselves