夺取棉花高产 加快致富步伐

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巴中位于大巴山南麓,是个棉花主产县。解放以后,棉花生产迅猛发展,植棉面积已由解放前的5.6万亩扩大到现在的16.8万亩,占全县耕地面积的20%以上。但是,由于我县地处深丘,还有部分山区,具有“冬干春寒夏少雨,严重伏旱接秋涝”的气候特点,加之过去栽培技术水平不高,棉花单产起伏较大,很不稳定。严重的是,林彪、“四人帮”极左路线的干扰破坏,造成了我县棉花生产的大倒退,1967—1976年,9年平均全县棉花亩产仅63斤。近几年来,我们在棉花生产上,认真实践、摸索、总结,走出了早育早栽,全育全栽,早栽早管促早发,以早胜伏旱、躲秋涝的栽培路子,使棉花生产有了新的发展。特别是粉碎“四人帮”以 Pakistan is located in Daba Mountain south, is a major county in cotton production. After the liberation, the cotton production developed rapidly. The cotton area has been expanded from 56,000 mu before liberation to the present 168,000 mu, accounting for more than 20% of the total cultivated area of ​​the county. However, due to the fact that the county is located in the deep mound and some mountains, it has the climatic characteristics of “dry in winter, cold in summer and cold in summer, and severe drought in autumn”, combined with the low level of cultivation techniques in the past and the ups and downs in cotton yield, which are unstable . Seriously, the interference and destruction caused by Lin Piao and the “gang of four” on the ultralefty line caused the great retrogression of cotton production in our county. From 1967 to 1976, the average output of cotton in the entire county was only 63 kg in the past nine years. In recent years, we have conscientiously practiced, explored and summarized the cotton production. We have come out of the early cultivation of early growth, the whole plantation of full cultivation, the early planting of early planting, the early development of early drought, Production has a new development. In particular, we smash the “gang of four.”
背面鹤画法1,先以淡墨勾勒出鹤的背部,中侧锋兼用勾画出复羽及初级飞羽。2.以浓墨侧锋画出次级飞羽和三级飞羽,注意长短变化。 Crane on the back of the painting 1, the f
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化学氮肥和农药的使用,在水稻纹枯病的综合防治体系中占有十分重要的地位,近年来,我们在这方面进行了一些试验,并取得控制早稻纹枯病发生危害与减轻的效果。 The use of ch