华北落叶松(Larix principis—rupprechtii Mayr)在我省自然分布于海拔1600—2700米的高山地区,是我省高海拔地区的主要造林树种之一,它具有生长快、材质好、耐腐性强等特点,是优良的建筑、桥梁用材,并具涵养水源、改良土壤的功能。在深入批邓、反击右倾翻案风斗争的高潮中,在毛主席革命教育路线指引下,山西农学院园林系工农兵学员,走出校门,到生产第一线实行开门办学,向工人师傅、贫下中农学习,在老师的指导下,根据当前发展落叶松在育苗中的问题,在朔县薛家庄林场和该场的工人师傅一道,对落叶松全光育苗进行了调查总结。
Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr in our province is naturally distributed in the mountains of 1600-2700 meters above sea level, is one of the main afforestation species in high-altitude areas of our province, it has fast growth, good material, corrosion resistance And other characteristics, is an excellent building, bridge timber, and with water conservation, soil improvement function. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary education, the workers, peasants and soldiers in the Department of Landscape Architecture in Shanxi Agricultural University walked out of school to the front line of production to open the door for running schools and to teach the workers, poor and middle peasants Learning, under the guidance of the teacher, according to the current development of larch in nursery problems, Shuo County Xuejiazhuang Forest Farm and the workers in the field together to conduct a survey of Larix seedlings.