
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iflytekmilk
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粒重是构成小麦产量的重要因素之一,在每亩穗数、粒数相同的情况下,千粒重提高1克,每亩增产30斤左右。千粒重除因品种、栽培措施而异外,与灌浆期间的气象条件有很大关系。巴盟农科所自1975—1978年结合灌浆水、喷肥等试验,观察了不同品种籽粒发育过程、叶片衰黄、根系发育情况及不同气候条件对千粒重的影响。影响小麦千粒重,与籽粒含水率高低、植株本身的养分运输供应状况有关,而含水率下降速度、日积累量高低与气温、湿度、日照和土壤水分等关系非常密切。稳定、提高千粒重,必须延长灌浆期,减缓籽粒缩水速度,增强涖浆日积累量,延长叶片功能期, Grain weight is one of the important factors that make up wheat yield. In the case of the same number of grains and grains per acre, the grain weight of one-grain is increased by 1 gram and the yield per acre is about 30 kg. Thousand grain weight due to species, cultivation methods vary, with the filling of the meteorological conditions have a great relationship. From 1975 to 1978, Bameng Agricultural Institute combined with grouting water, fertilizer and other experiments to observe the different varieties of grain development process, leaf decay yellow, root development and different climatic conditions on the impact of 1000-grain weight. The effect of 1000-grain weight of wheat is related to the moisture content of the grain and the nutrient supply and transportation status of the plant itself. However, the rate of water cut and the daily accumulation are closely related to the temperature, humidity, sunshine and soil moisture. Stable and improve the 1000-grain weight, we must extend the filling period, slow down the shrinkage of grains, and enhance the accumulation of grain to extend the function of the leaves,
1976—1978年,我们用粤油551作供试品种,进行花生高产栽培技术研究,三年均获得亩产500斤以上的产量。现将试验结果整理如下: 一、栽培技术 1.深耕改土,改变生产条件深、松、
棉花从开花到吐絮这段时间称为花铃期,我省一般为7月上旬到8月底,历时50天左右.在棉花的一生中,花铃期生长发育最为旺盛。据测定,此期吸收 N,P、K 的数量分别占全生育期吸收
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