
来源 :杭州教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bookofday
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本文围绕高中教育在培养跨世纪合格人才中 ,高中生在体育方面应具备的能力和素质 ,运用文献研究 ,系统分析和理论思辨方法 ,就学生通过自己努力学习所获得的评价进行重新构建 ,提出了将简单抽象模糊的百分制改为更符合素质教育需要的具有多元目标的框架化评价体系 ,旨从建立学生体育成绩框架化评价体系为切入点 ,以改革课堂教学模式和课外活动形式为载体 ,全面推动学校体育改革 ,增大体育评价的信息和容量 ,提高评价的透明度 ,更好地发挥体育评价的导向、反馈作用 ,力争扭转以往学生喜爱体育运动却不太爱上体育课的尴尬局面 ,还学生以主动锻炼的热情 ,充分发挥他们的主观能动性 ,促进学生身心协调发展 ,培养良好的体育素养 ,全面提高学生素质 ,形成终身体育的理念 This article focuses on the ability and quality of senior high school students in physical education in the training of qualified talents of the cross-century education. By means of literature research, systematic analysis and theoretical speculation, this paper reconstructs the evaluation of students through their own hard work, In order to change the simple abstract fuzzy percentile into a multi-objective framework evaluation system that is more in line with the needs of quality education, aiming to establish a framework of evaluation system for students' PE achievements as the starting point, reforming the classroom teaching mode and extracurricular activities as the carrier, We should comprehensively promote the reform of school sports, increase the information and capacity of sports evaluation, enhance the transparency of evaluation, give full play to the guidance and feedback of sports evaluation, and strive to reverse the awkward situation of students who loved sports but did not fall in love with physical education. Students also take the initiative to exercise enthusiasm, give full play to their subjective initiative to promote the physical and mental development of students, develop good physical education, improve the quality of students, the concept of lifelong physical education
交轨法即是通过图象与图象在同一直角坐标系的位置关系,利用数行结合的思想,直观反映图象间的交点情况,从而达到解决问题的目的,现以06年的高考题列举几例: The cross-track
Noble metal nanoparticles are attractive catalytic materials on account of their novel optical,electrical and magnetic properties compared with bulk solids.Nano
为了适应情报工作综合性、多功能特点的需要,情报人员的培养教育也应该是多形式多层次的。大致可分: 一、学校进修。对有丰富工作经验,有较高理论知识的情报人民鼓励进修学
For the formation of hollow structures,most ofthe synthetic strategies are usually tedious and cost-ly,involving expensive sacrificial templates,com-plicated mu
中小学校长从思想上已经认识教育科研的重要性和紧迫性 ,然而 ,在实际工作中却没有把教育科研放在一个重要的位置上 ,甚至不少中小学校至今没有尝试过开展教育科研。本文力图