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实现小康,这是中国人的世代梦想。在我国进入全面建设小康社会的新世纪,回首改革开放特别是党的十三届四中全会和十五大以来的历程,辉煌的画卷展现于我们面前:国家权威部门的统计数据表明,13年来,中国的经济实力、综合国力和国际竞争力跃上新台阶,人民生活水平得到大 To achieve well-to-do, this is the Chinese dream of generations. In our country’s entry into the new century of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, a brilliant picture has been displayed before us in the course of reform and opening up, especially since the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee and the 15th National Party Congress. Statistics from the state authorities show that in the past 13 years , China’s economic strength, comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness have risen to a new level and the people’s living standards have been greatly enhanced
The frequent drawdown of water level of Yangtze River will greatly influence the stability of the widely existing slopes in the Three Gorges reservoir zone, esp
Three-dimensional discrete element face-to-face contact model with fissure water pressure is established in this paper and the model is used to simulate three-s
Mufushanella是陈旭教授 1964年创立的,以侧坡内凹、外部壳圈具列孔区别于Nankinella。该属成立与否曾有多人讨论过,争论焦点在于建属时所谓列孔是否与隔壁孔一样,有待进一步
介绍话剧《楢山节考》照明样式的探索,照明区域的划分,及灯光设计特点:局部突出以加强表演,重侧光为人物造型,借色光转化烘托剧中情绪,运用剪影创造二维平面效果等。 Introd
项目一技术~资本一人才。让技术、人才、资本通过项目载体,有机结合,转化为现实生产力。 Project a technology ~ capital talent. Let technology, talents, and capital be