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去年11月29日下午,全国人大副委员长、中国科协主席周光召院士兴致勃勃地视察了江西省科协。在听取了江西省科协党组书记、主席徐俊如的工作汇报后,周光召同志就如何做好科协工作作了重要讲话。周光召说,科协是党联系科技工作者的桥梁、纽带,目的是组织科技界完成党的基本路线提出的中心任务。要为经济建设中心任务服务,需要把科技人员的积极性、主动性调动起来,这是我们的主要工作目标。要做好这项工作,不能依靠行政命令,而是要根据群团的工作特点,按照群团的工作方法,为广大科技人员服务,建好科技工作者之家。他说,学术交流的目的是为了提高科技人员素质,为科技人员服务。不仅要重视国内学术交流,还要加强国际学木交流,科学无国界,科学家有祖国, On the afternoon of November 29 last year, Academician Zhou Guangzhao, vice chairman of NPC and chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, enthusiastically visited the Association for Science and Technology of Jiangxi Province. After listening to the report made by Xu Junru, secretary of the Party Committee of Science and Technology Association of Jiangxi Province and chairman, Comrade Zhou Guangzhao made an important speech on how to do a good job in the work of CAST. Zhou Guangzhao said that CAST is a bridge and link between the party and science and technology workers in order to organize the core tasks set by the scientific and technological community in completing the party's basic line. To serve the task of economic construction center, we need to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of scientists and technicians. This is our main objective. To do this well, we can not rely on administrative orders. Instead, we should serve the broad masses of scientists and technicians in accordance with the work characteristics of the mass organizations and in accordance with the working methods of mass organizations and build a home for scientists and technicians. He said that the purpose of academic exchanges is to improve the quality of science and technology personnel and serve science and technology personnel. Not only should we pay attention to domestic academic exchanges, but also strengthen international exchanges in science and technology, science without borders, scientists in the motherland,
Q:周先生是某食品加工有限公司的技术员。2009年2月初入职时,公司与他口头约定工资2800元,不签订劳动合同,这期间视为试用期,工作期限双方视情况协商确定。想到试用 Q: Mr.